I’ve been suffering from something for going on two weeks now, with a sore throat since Friday or so. Monday into yesterday it even hurt to swallow liquids, though the intensity of the pain is down some today. Anyway, I promised myself yesterday that if I didn’t feel vastly improved when I woke up this morning, I’d go to the doctor, and I didn’t, so I did. Alas, both my doc and his P.A. are out today, and to top it off, there were no openings at all to see anyone in his office, so instead, I’m off to the Urgent Care clinic downstairs.
A $50 urgent care co-pay later, I’m summarizing my symptoms: sinus congestion and drainage with prodigious mucous production and off-and-on low-grade fever for over a week, occasional coughing, but mostly due to tickles in my throat rather than chest congestion (I’d worried about it getting into my lungs because I had pneumonia two months ago and really don’t want to go down that road again); and a sore throat for five days or so culminating yesterday with whitish patches on my uvula and tonsils, which to me suggests strep throat.
I got my vitals taken, the nurse swabbed the back of my throat, and when the doc came in, I ran through the summary again and he looked in my throat and ears, possibly up my nose (sorry, don’t remember). Nurse popped in after a bit, said something about strep throat, and handed the doc the scrips he’d done on his little computer and printed out at her station. Amoxycillin, hydrocodone-based cough syrup, and some high-octane antihistimine/decongestant which he also gave me some samples of. I have cough syrup left over from my pneumonia, so I’m just going to use that if I need it to sleep, but I’ve started on the antibiotic already.
Here’s the thing. He never really gave me a diagnosis. On my copy of the bill, I see that he coded me for acute pharyngitis and acute sinusitus, but those really seem more like symptoms to me than a diagnosis. Strep throat was never mentioned again after the nurse came in, so I’m guessing what she said was “negative.” So, I’m still wondering what the hell I’ve got, which of course makes me wonder if I even need anitbiotics.
But I really don’t understand letting a patient, who may be somewhat distracted by, for example, a significant discomfort every time he swallows, get out the door without saying, “I think you’ve just got a bad sinus infection” or “Looks like a really bad cold to me, just keep hydrated and stay on your meds and you’ll be fine in no time” or hell, something that let’s me come to work and answer the question “So what do they think it is?”
You know? Is it just me?
BTW, this has done nothing but underscore for me how much I love my regular doc.