Doctor Who News (Casting SPOILERS!!)

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David Tennant is leaving after the 2009 specials. Story here.

I’m heartbroken. Not only is he the dreamiest Doctor, bu he also fills the role remarkably well. This is not fan-TAS-tic!!:mad:

Anybody else wanna grieve with me?

That is a shame. He was a really great Doctor. It will be tough to fill his shoes.

Awwwww, man!

How many seasons did he do, total?

Three seasons, some Christmas specials and 4 more specials next year.

Aw geez. I knew it had to happen some time. :frowning:


Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn!

I never thought anyone would fill Ecclestons’ shoes, but Tennant has outdone him. Ten deserves a longer run. I always figued he would do one more season after the specials. If he won’t I think he should have bowed out at the end of the last series and allowed them to do a full series this year. The Christmas specials are usually weak compared to the regular series, so I’m not too excited about the year o’ specials. (Except, of course, for MORE WHO!!!) I hope Moffat is involved in them. If it’s all Davies’ writing, I’ll be very depressed.

A shame, especially since he wanted to outlast Tom Baker IIRC.

But we’ve had a good outing with him nonetheless, and he’ll be there to take the edge off RTD’s excesses in the specials before Moffat takes over.

I’d rather he stayed on for one more season but I’m fine with a rotating Dr. Who cast. It’ll let Moffat start his first full season with a clean slate, too.

I read somewhere a while back that said Tennant was considering doing a big-screen movie if the BBC would keep him on for series 5. I was geeked to the max, but I guess it fell through.

And a hearty F-U to the Telegraph, for putting this on the front page where it can’t be missed. I’d really rather not have known.

Heh. The BBC aren’t exactly keeping it secret - it’s currently a front page story on their news site.

Well, I’ll miss him.

Get your Prozac ready.

Well, I don’t think it’s bad news. David Tennant is a great Doctor, but one of the cool things about Doctor Who is the regenerations. Much as I loved Tom Baker, I think both he and the show would have benefitted by him leaving a couple seasons earlier than he did. I really look forward to seeing what Steven Moffat will do with another regeneration and actor - something very different, I hope. We’ve had ample time to get to know this Doctor and it would be hard to keep going much longer without the character getting stale - good on them all for changing before it starts to fall off.

Now, I for one would love to see a season or two of Stephen Fry as an eloquent, epicurian sort of Doctor - clear the palate of all that romantic nonsense for a bit and give a very different twist to the character than has been done before.

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I’d like to see James Nesbitt as the next Doctor. He’d be very different than any that had gone before.

Doctor Who can only regenerate 12 times, IIRC. Pretty soon they’ll have to end the show for good :frowning:

I’m on old Who fan from about a billion years back, and Tennant has been my favourite Doctor so far (plus also he’s uber-hot), so I’m a little sad - but also very excited about the change, and to see who Moffat casts and what they do with him.

The Doctor is dead! Long live the Doctor!

It wasn’t Tennant’s choice to do the year of specials. It was an arrangement that the BBC, Davies and Moffat agreed upon to allow Moffat to be able to take over when he was available, and ease the transition. After it was decided upon, Tennant took advantage of it by taking on Hamlet.

The last Doctors have been so young and action oriented (especially Tennant) it would be interesting to see what they could do with a fat, Nero Wolfe-like Doctor. It could work, but I don’t think it actually would. Still . . . maybe in a novel or something.

I’m sure they’ll find some way around it if they have to. Is the 12 regeneration thing biological or a tradition enforced by the no longer existing Timelord Council? Perhaps one of the things the Master did to expand his lifespan “accidentally” happens to the Doctor. Maybe The Master, unwilling to live in a universe without The Doctor until he can do the job properly(a sentiment he has shared in the past) does something to extend/remove the 13 actor limit.

There are ways around this. Some of them actually make sense.

I don’t have the copies of the Times to hand, but I’m pretty sure that RTD had wanted the bloke who got shot and helmed the liner in Kylie’s Christmas special to take over as Doctor after Tennant.

Dammit. :frowning:

I had a feeling this would be coming soon, but it’s still sad. Though it won’t be until 2010 anyway, so at least we have a while to go. Tennant & Eccleston were both great, so I’m hoping the new series continues to up the bar on performances.

Here is Tennant’s acceptance speech at the NTAs where he publicly announced his decision to leave.