I normally drink 2-3 cups of coffee a day, 2-3 diet sodas, and an occasional beer. Also a random glass of milk, iced tea, whatever.
A couple weeks ago I thought it would be a fun personal challenge to drink only water. I set no timetable, just taking it one day at a time.
I’m surprised at how little I miss the other stuff. Once in a while I’ll mentally reach for a cup of coffee or a can of Diet Pepsi, but for the most part that stuff is not on my radar at all.
Back in my purist, searcher youth, I had long periods of time I didn’t drink anything but water. Like you, easy to adapt to, and I had excellent health, mouthwise and all. These days, I drink only water and green tea on a daily basis. The green tea takes care of any urges to have ‘something different’. Maybe a case of cider and a couple of cans of soda per year round it all up. I like it that way, and save the variety for the food, which I like spicy and complex.
I would say that 85% or more of my fluid intake is water. Specifically carbonated water, not soda just spring water carbonated.
Here in the northeast a number of suppliers for that. Go into any store and you can find easily. As I travel around the country in many places cannot find at all. Then just go for plain water.
I have a difficult time drinking plain ol’ water. To stay hydrated I drink two or three quarts of Powerade Zero each day. They’re 80 cents per quart at Walmart.
Cup of coffee with breakfast, and (on weekends) a couple of beers before dinner. Once in a great while I’ll grab a diet Coke with lunch. Other than that, I drink water. Lots of it.
When I learned I was Type 1 I switched from lots of tea and the occasional soda to water. Total % of fluid intake went from less than 5% to probably around 80 and I do feel better for it.
I only drink water and coffee. 1) I enjoy both of those things, very much, and 2) I’d much rather eat my calories than drink them. (and I’m not a calorie counting/restrictive eating nut, either)
Some years ago I imposed a cap of one carbonated drink per day. Someone told me fizzy drinks are dehydrating, so I cut back. I’ve mostly stuck with it, and mostly drink water or coffee the rest of the time.
I used to be totally addicted to caffeine. You could hook me up with either an intravenous feed of Dr Pepper or Coke, respectively, and I’d have died and gone to heaven. But at one point when trying to lose weight, I decided dropping those empty calories would be the way to go. So, I found a flavored water that’s like liquid crack and I never looked back. That’s probably been half a dozen years by now and I still love it and drink nothing else.
Since I left my desk job the sodas are very rare although I will do an iced tea or whiskey now and then. Put me down as 98% non-carbonated and say 90% water. The desk job had become so boring that I found myself slowly creeping into more and more fizz and caffeine but as soon as the job ended so did the desire for stuff like that.
I tried drinking just water but after a while it stopped satisfying my thirst; apparently I get the majority of potassium in my diet from the decaf diet soda I drink. If I’m truly dehydrated I’ll drink ice water but most of the time I stick with diet soda. I also start many of my mornings with a blender full of very weak cocoa, mostly water with just enough cocoa to make it palatable.
I drink a ton of water. In the morning I have coffee and a smoothie for breakfast, but other than that it’s water all day long. Right now I have my 24 oz camelback next to me, which I will finish before lunch, then fill up another one at lunch, and probably have one more during the day.
I also drink only tap water and look down snootily on people who insist on bottled water. That shit is gross, yo, bad for the environment, and esxpensive.
I’ve been drinking water primarily for about 3 years now. I was addicted to Diet Coke and wanted to give up artificial sweeteners. I don’t like iced tea, and I’m Type 2, so I didn’t want lemonade or regular sodas. Probably 90% of my drinking is water.
Every so often I’ll have a beer or other adult beverage. Sometimes, if I’m really splurging, I’ll have one of the “throwback” sodas which have cane sugar instead of HF corn syrup. But most of the time, it’s water.
I don’t really miss other beverages much, although I have resolved to never, ever, take even a sip of Diet Coke again. There is part of my brain that is convinced that if I fall off the wagon, even once, I won’t be able to give it up again.
I tried giving up caffeine once, but that only lasted one day because for that one day I almost literally could not get out of bed. But if I had a good reason to, I could get along with drinking only water and getting caffeine from other sources (like pills). Already, water is my “default” drink, but that doesn’t mean I don’t ever drink other things.