Does anyone here know anyone personally who has been diagnosed, or has been yourself?

Here’s some discussion on that point. The thread is sorta mis-titled.

But it seems reasonably logical that if she’s actually had COVID, not just a mistaken positive test, she’s very, very likely to be immune at least in the near term (6 months, 1 year, ???) and once you are vaccinated you will be very likely to be immune too.

So it would be unlikely that either could contract it from the other even if the other is unknowingly carrying the virus.

And it’s also likely that neither are carrying the virus when you meet. If neither are carrying, then it becomes impossible for one to infect the other at that one encounter. Meeting tomorrow would be a separate roll of the same dice since either could have contracted it in the meantime. Net of whatever immunity you’ve each got from prior illness, vaccination, or both.

Want more certainty that that? Not gonna happen in this lifetime. Everything in life is probabilities. We’re just not used to thinking of them that way. There’s always some probability you’ll be killed by their shuttle bus while walking across the parking lot at the old fart’s home.