Does anyone here play Overwatch?

I have looked into it and it looks like fun. I just don’t have any friends who are into that genre and wanted an opinion from someone who has tried it. The animation looks good and i like the team based PVP type of game, but is the actual game play worth buying the game?

I do. It’s a team based multiplayer first-person shooter, with a fixed set of characters. It’s a lot like the older “Team Fortress” game.

Basically, it’s a game where you choose one of about 20 or so heroic characters, and then your team of six squares off against a different team of six to accomplish some objective- move a payload to checkpoints, capture points, capture and hold one point, etc…

What makes it so entertaining is that in general, each player has two different kinds of attacks, two kinds of abilities/actions, and an “ultimate”. The attacks aren’t time-limited, but the abilities tend to be, and the ultimate has to charge up, based on your performance and the team’s performance (I think).

Each one is pretty different, and the really interesting part of the game is trying to play in a more tactical fashion with complementary abilities and attacks.

One thing that’s unusual is that with levels, you don’t get better gear, skills or weapons- you just get cosmetic stuff like uniform skins and sounds, etc… So there’s no inherent advantage to being a more experienced player, other than just being more experienced. It’s not like Call of Duty/Battlefied, where being more experienced means better guns or perks or whatever.

As usual for Blizzard games, the standard is second to none in terms of graphics, animation and sound- it’s by far the most polished game I’ve played in a long time, truth be told.

I really enjoy it; I didn’t think I would, because of the cartoony characterization and general vaguely-anime-ish feel, which is not my thing, but it’s fun enough that I can overlook that.

That is exactly what I was hoping to hear! The cartoonish look about it, is what sort of threw me. SOLD!

My kids (young teens) play it ( thats not supposed to be prejudicial) and enjoy it. Basically pretty looking TEam Fortress. I occasionally play and like that experienced players can’t keep ratcheting up super weapons.
Smooth and slick gameplay


I think the most fun aspects of the game are that it’s not adversarial, in that the game doesn’t really reward your kill/death ratio, and rewards teamwork and good tactics more, and that it has a lot of opportunity for good tactical play and discourages the lone-wolf.

It can be discouraging, but it’s not the frustration that comes from getting curb-stomped by some guy with super-weapons and perks who’s beating up on noobs for fun. It’s the kind of frustration that comes from choosing the wrong loadout or not going about your goal the right way.

I also want to point out that for whatever reason, it’s the first shooter I’ve played in about 20 years that hasn’t seemed to have rampant cheating with aimbots, etc… Unlike say… the CoD and BF series, it doesn’t seem like you’re getting killed by superhumans or insanely quick people; you usually see your death coming, or it’s pretty obvious on the kill-cam.

This! You know how you recognize a good Reinhardt? Not their K/D - a good team can get away with a Reinhardt that only goes 1:1 or sometimes even worse. Not their damage - Reinhardt doesn’t do much damage. No, you look at how often they die, and how much damage they block. Because Reinhardt’s entire thing is, “I have a big blue barrier shield that blocks 2000 damage and that my team can shoot through. COME AT ME!” I’ve had games where I’ve blocked over half of all the damage the enemy team managed to output.

The game has a free weekend coming up, and I strongly recommend anyone with a PC strong enough to run it to go check it out. This game is an absolute blast, even if you’re not actually that into FPS games - quite a few characters like Reaper, Reinhardt, Winston, and Mercy require next to no aim to be effective, instead relying on positioning, good teamwork, and game understanding to do their jobs.

Oh, and Zenyatta is stupidly broken. But because it’s a team game and he’s got plenty of counters, it’s not a huge problem. :slight_smile:

They did just nerf his orb of discord pretty hard in the last patch.

I think McCree’s ult is probably the most obscene thing; nobody else has a insta-kill, no-aim ult. Even d.Va’s self-destruct can be evaded, but if you’re not behind cover when you hear 'It’s High Noon", you’re SOL.

Still haven’t figured out why the game considers Winston to be “easy” to play; Easy to get killed fast with, maybe. Sure, I can leap in and beat up on their second-line types… for a second, until they start ganging up on me, and hopefully I can leap back out in time. They really ought to raise his lightning gun damage by about 10-15%.

I’ve been having a lot of fun with it, and I don’t usually play shooters. It probably helps that I mostly play Mercy and Lucio (both healers) where aim doesn’t matter much.

So, does anyone here play on Xbox One? It would be a pleasant change to play with some actual adults.

Looks like it’s a console-only free weekend :frowning:

So…perfect time to play on console, right?

Sorry, I’m a PC guy!

I play on Xbox 1, still don’t have the funds to actually buy the game. Will be getting it next payday i believe. I need a mic too… The mic that comes with the xbox just stopped working.

I play pretty often on PS4, love the game for all of the points mentioned here. There is a larger spread of character types that all end up pretty balanced (now that Genji’s been nerfed). The random team placement according to your playing skill is also very well done, so that I’m not getting frustrated against elite players. According to my online stats, I’m down around the bottom 25%, yet still able to have fun and contribute.

What I like is the variance in attack styles. Depending on the character you can be successful with spray and pray shooting on some, and pinpoint aiming on others. Playing non-attacking support and healing is also an effective game role.

Previous thread.

Tl;dr - it’s surprisingly awesome. I still don’t play much if I’m not grouped up with folks, but it’s the most fun I’ve had in a team shooter in a long time.