Overwatch is an incredible game. The design is gorgeous at almost every level. The characters are interesting despite this being essentially nothing more than a multiplayer arena shooter. The balance is for the most part pretty good, and it’s easily the best at what it does on the market, a market that was a wasteland because nobody else wanted to compete with Team Fortress 2. It’s a good game.
It’s just a shame that it is inherently a team shooter. In other words, you are necessarily at the mercy of the five other fuckers the matchmaking groups you with. And in quick play, two of these five other fuckers are invariably fucking snipers.
Why? Why the fuck? The snipers aren’t even good! They’re useful in a handful of situations, and useless in most others, and the fuckwits who pick them never get this. And of course, if you pick both of them, your team is woefully unbalanced and pretty fucking terrible. You cannot reasonably make up for that. You can’t build around that. One sniper, okay. But both? Ugh. So you just lose. And this keeps fucking happening. Over and over and over. Apparently these people enjoy that. I have no idea why. When my team loses, and I know that I sucked, I don’t like that. It’s not fun for me. Subjective opinions and whatnot, but I’m trying to put myself in the headspace of the kind of person for which that is fun, and am immediately reminded of the kind of bell-end who goes to a public minecraft server and immediately destroys everything in site. The kind of person I would like to spend some time alone with. In a large, open space. With a sniper rifle. Or give me an assault rifle and them a sniper rifle, because these fuckers can’t hit anything. Oh yeah, these snipers are balanced around the idea that the person playing them is a really good sniper player. If you’re just an average shot, playing sniper is a huge waste of time, and you’ll be no fucking use to your team.
And it just isn’t fun. I like playing tanks and supports. These are characters that, overwhelmingly, require a team to work with them. I love Winston, but if nobody leaps in behind me, I’m just an monkey full of bullets. I love supports, but if nobody is willing to keep the Genji off me, I’m just going to die a lot. I could pick another DPS character, but if I do that, what we end up with is the disturbingly common case where we have no tanks or supports and thus get run the fuck over, because the game is balanced around having a team that works together, rather than a bunch of sperglords who can’t figure out that you have to work together to kill the gatling gun turret hidden behind the big-ass shield, rather than run in one by one and die.
So thank you, fuckos. Thank you for ensuring that this excellent game is absolutely no fucking fun for me. I hope you get carpal tunnel and your computers catch fire. :mad: