I’ve been out of the comic reading business for years (was once a collector). Every now and then I get a hankering, but I left off when the market got flooded and McFarlane got popular and at the time quality was at an all-time low. Does anyone have any recommendations for new titles/series that are worth reading?
I loved Ostrander and Gaiman and was a big fan of the Vertigo line in general.
My current favorites: Hellboy is the best damn comic series I’ve ever read. The Amazing Screw-On Head one-shot by Mike Mignola was also a hell of a lot of fun.
I also like Tom Strong by Alan Moore, as well as The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. I’m not a big fan of Moore’s other stuff, though.
I’m following the new Aquaman series but am not that impressed so far. I’ve also been reading JLA for a year or so now, and it’s entertaining. There are just too many Batman and Superman books for me to keep up, and I’ve never been a big fan of Marvel.
Amazing Spider-Man
Peter Parker: Spider-Man
Ultimate Spider-Man
Uncanny X-Men and
New X-Men (although I wouldn’t be heartbroken if Morrison left)
I, too, have been reading the new Aquaman and it’s good, but nothing spectacular. I still think that Ultimate Spider-Man is probably consistantly the best superhero title on the market right now(although I’m sure someone here will be able to prove me wrong).
Ultimate Spider-Man
Ultimate X-Men
The Ultimates
(all three titles are quickly collected in trade paperbacks so catching up is a breeze)
Incredible Hulk (Bruce Jones doing a great job of writing Banner as The Fugitive)
Captain Marvel (knowing everything is not the blessing you’d think)
Also check out the TPB’s of Powers, Top 10, Rising Stars, and Astro City (from DC and Image)
I’ve got most of the Carl Barks’ UNCLE SCROOGE and lots of WDC&S originals, and some wonderful reprints of all his work. No other comic artist even comes close, if you mean comic books.
If you’re including comic strips, then Walt Kelly’s POGO heads the list, and Al Capp’s LI’L ABNER, and wossname Watterson’s CALVIN AND HOBBS, and … there are giants in this field.
JLA is fun, although their ridiculginormous power level is getting a bit much (pulling the earth out of orbit, pulling the moon out of orbit and -igniting- it…)
I loved ‘The Authority’, but I understand the series may be over.
Batman’s always good
One series I cannot hesitate to recommend is Astro City. Complete genius comicbook writing, as long as you’re not just looking for heroes and villians bashing each other about.
Good news for you, then; Authority volume 2 is due to start next month. A special issue is to be found split across Stormwatch: Team Achilles, Sleeper and Wild C.A.T.S. 3.0 over the next three weeks.
In addition to Authority, I’m reading:
Stormwatch: Team Achilles
Rising Stars
Y - The Last Man
and a couple of miniseries that come and go. I also collect Cerebus in book form.
Y - The Last Man is excellent – a trade paperback collecting the first five issues is available, and I think a second trade is coming soon. (Issue #9 came out a couple weeks ago.)
The Sandman is an incredible series and the whole thing is available in a series of ten trades – most large bookstores carry it.
Lucifer is another excellent series, although it’s best to read Sandman first as Lucifer is an important supporting character in that book.
The Adventures of Barry Ween, Boy Genius is hilarious – four trades collect the whole thing so far.
I am a big fan of Ted Naifeh’s Courteny Crumrin series – a trade collects the first miniseries (Courteny Crumrin & the Night Things) while the final issue of the next series (& the Coven of Witches) comes out in the next couple weeks.
The Superman titles (for over 30 years now)
Legion of Super Heroes (ditto)
JLA (much, much better than in the 70’s)
JSA (always been a fan of the Golden Age characters)
Hunter: The Age of Magic
Green Lantern
Wonder Woman
Birds of Prey
Green Arrow
Girl Genius
Sandman was one of the best series ever. I’m always glad to see a Gaiman story involving one of the Endless.
I read the comic’s every day (except weekends, when I can’t get a free copy of the paper). I like For Better Or For Worse, 9 Chickweed Lane, The Boondocks, Get Fuzzy, Non Sequitur, and Peanuts. Although sometimes the Peanuts strips give me a sense of deja vu.
What papers are the strips that everyone else is bringing up in?
John Ostrander is one of my favorite writers. I just finished reading “Blaze of Glory : the last ride of the Western Heroes”. Excellent story. Excellent artwork by Leonardo Manco. “Apache Skies” is also worth your time by the same team of Ostrander and Manco.
I know a few people have said this already, but I just have to recommend The Hulk again. It’s been excellent ever since Bruce Jones started writing it.
Since you haven’t read comics in a while, Looking Land, I would also recommend checking out Transmetropolitan by Warren Ellis. I believe all the issues have been collected into trade paperbacks by now. They should be a little easier to find too.
The Bendis/Maleev issues of DAREDEVIL (i.e. the past year and a half, roughly) are quite good. The early issues of their collaboration are collected in trade paperbacks, and the subsequent issues are sure to follow.