Does Anyone Understand Andy Capp?

TennHippie: Gotta disagree with you. Zippy is a bunch of nonsense strung together without plot or humor. I’ve seen web-based Zippylike quote generators that were funnier than the actual strip.

Rilchiam: I’ve tried on some glasses like that. They’re very expensive and a little uncomfortable, but definitely a unique look.

Of course I don’t fit in; I’m part of a better puzzle.

Whoops, I need to learn to read better. =B^/

Rilch, the glasses I tried on consist of lenses and thin wire bridge. Not quite the antigravity-lenses that Mike Doonesbury has, but pretty close.

“You need to have working knowledge of a Cockney accent - basiclly British Redneck - to get most of it.”

The strip is set in Newcastle, not London. It’s not Cockney.

Andy Capp is totally mind-numbingly boring. It is like just some random shit thrown onto the comics page as if it were supposed to be funny, as a big joke on all of US who then try to find the humor.

That said, here are some comics… the drop down menus link to all kinds of comics, in addition to the ones on the page itself:

Another thing I never liked were those soap opera strips… who reads those?? And Family Circus has been funny MAYBE once or twice, and I’m only saying that to give it the benefit of the doubt. I’ve personally never witnessed it.

“Cluemobile? You’ve got a pickup…”
OpalCat’s site:
The Teeming Millions Homepage:

It’s not worth looking up Andy Capp.I understood about 2/3 of them I used to read, but it’s a bit like English food, it’s for the English.You can wrap your fish and chips in Andy Capp.
Doonesbury was funny in the Nixon era.Then I quit reading it.

I used to read all the funnies, now I just read 3 every day. If you can’t get Dilbert, the only place that has the daily strip is the new York times on line.I liked a recent one where Dilbert made his boss’s plan workable by some tricky (imaginary no.) math and putting the time line for the project on a möbius strip.

And what’s up with BC anymore? Between the heavily religious overtones and the continuing storyline introducing a badly stereotyped Italian and American Indian, it’s gone to hell.

Boy, am I going to get crap for this one…but…

I don’t like “Life in Hell” by Matt Groening. Do I like the Simpson’s? Absolutely-Genius!
Life in Hell? Stupid.

Go ahead, flame away.

Well, the guy who drew Andy Capp died about six months ago, so you won’t have to suffer through the adventures of that lovable alcoholic wife-beater much longer.

I don’t get comics anymore (darn you, New York Times!) and I dearly miss Brenda Starr, Girl Reporter, my role model as a child. Is she still around? Did she and Basil St. John ever get back together? Does she still live at the Lovely Arms Apartments? Or did she finally run off with her dykey friend Hank O’Hare?

slythe said:

I totally agree, Slythe. I didn’t used to mind the religious strips on religious holidays (Easter and Christmas) but now that B.C. has been focusing on this 'round the world trip in a whale and meeting up with new characters, I don’t even want to read it anymore.


My newspaper hasn’t carried Andy Capp in almost 20 years, but even as a child I understood the comic and thought it was funny. I miss having it available to read, and I appreciate references to it whenever I see them.

And yes, I loved the Hot Fries.

I also understand The Lockhorns. I just don’t find that strip funny. There hasn’t been a new joke in it since fossil fuels were still living.

–Da Cap’n

One more to gripe about – Kudzu. Stupid midwestern crap. What it’s doing in a NY newspaper, I’ll never know.

I’ve seen many funny Family Circuses. Of course, the captions were slightly altered. Check out:

Unless you’re scared!

Also: Zippy – genius
Andy Capp – dreck

Life in Hell – recently has sucked. The early years were great and the “____ is hell” books rock.
I miss Funky Winkerbean

“Owls will deafen us with their incessant hooting!” W. Smithers

I do love my comics- our towns “claim to fame” is the Johnny Hart, who draws BC, lives here. His cartoon drawings are everywhere in this area- painted on busses, on our County Park signs, our college signs, etc. Also, every auction and charity event has some Johnny Hart drawing associated with it. I really didn’t realize it was syndicated across the country.
Even though the latest installment is lame, I love the strip.
Of course, I dearly miss the best comic EVER put on paper. The Far Side. My all time fav.

Run for the hills, folks! Or you’ll be up to your armpits in martians!

Does anyone still run Maggie & Jiggs? I haven’t seen it anywhere in years; perhaps the transparent ethnic slurs finally got someone’s attention.

For me Andy Capp was one of those page-fillers between the funny comics,like the soap opera strips, Beetle Baily and Dick Tracy. Just there because it’s always been there.

B.C., in my humble opinion, burned out sometime around 1978, along with its companion piece, The Wizard of Id. They were great in their day, though.

On the other hand, I adore Rose Is Rose, Dilbert and Muttz.

What’s to get about Liberty Meadows? It wants to like Bloom County with the anthropomorphic animals living among the humans, but without the outrageous or surreal set-ups. It’s not laugh out loud funny, but some it has made me smile, and the artwork is terrific. I love Oscar, the weiner dog (hey, I just got it!).

“I hope life isn’t a big joke, because I don’t get it,” Jack Handy

When Calvin & Hobbes and to a lesser extent the Far Side died so did the last of the great comics.

[[O you fortunate folks! To get Zippy in your paper…I can only dream. Around here, most people have never heard of Zippy. Those that have still think of it as an underground comic book. Zippy is brilliant. Zippy is God.]] Tennessee Hippie
Exactly, Hippie – as a friend and I like to say, if you don’t get Zippy, the joke’s probably on you.

Eh? What do you mean? You can get Dilbert every day at the Dilbert Zone

“Cluemobile? You’ve got a pickup…”
OpalCat’s site:
The Teeming Millions Homepage:

I agree with Markxxx. In fact, I’LL say that the comics haven’t been the same since ABBIE 'N SLATS and ALLEY OOP folded.

– Uke, sittin’ on the front parch, shaking his fist at passing cars

Uh, porch. Although I AM parched. Where’s that bottle?