Does "Beano" actually work?

I probably should have asked this question 5 hours ago beofre I ate that can of Ranch Style Beans :smack:
(quite good, by the way! :cool: ), but does BEANO
actually work? 45+ years on the planet & I’ve never tried the stuff. Supplements like “Gas X” have never done anything for me. Have any of you ever tried Beano?

The Mercotan family gives it to the dog with every meal. And believe me, the house smells very different if someone forgets to stock up and we run out of Beano. :eek: :eek: :eek:

      • I have used it in the past and it does work. Tastes kinda odd, but you just put a couple drops on the first mouthful of food. Problem is though you have to take it at the same time you’re eating or it won’t work.

Don’t know much about Beano, but Gas-X isn’t a supplement, it’s a pill for the gassy part of heartburn – simethicone, a blend of dimethicone (silicone “oil”) and silicon dioxide, is also sold industrially as “Antifoam” and as infant colic drops called “Mylicon.” I wouldn’t expect it to do anything for bean gas except make the farts come out more easily.

Yes, beano works. It helps reduce the amount of particular starch molecules, which bacteria love to chomp on to produce gas. Beano is an enzyme that cleaves these molecules, allowing you to absorb them rather than let the bacteria eat them.

Gas-X will not work for flatulence. All simethicone does is break up bubbles already in the system. It reduces their size, so they don’t stretch out the stomach or bowels so much. But you’ve still got as much swallowed air in the system.

I cast another vote for Beano. However, I just have used the other approach and avoided the foods that are the worst offenders.

Gas-X won’t kill the farts, but it will turn them into tiny, little, less noticable poots. I sometimes make my husband take it before bedtime. It’s the difference between being vaguely aware of a strange smell when I pull the covers up over my shoulder, and being blasted out of my peaceful sleep with an air horn.

Not starches, sugars!

From the OP’s Beano link.

I had thought starch was a particular type of glucose and thus a sugar, so I checked out Wikipedia:

So, hope that clears that up. Oh, and Beano is awesome, and the inventor deserves a Nobel prize.

Would that be for Chemistry… or Peace?

Sequential thread titles. . .

“That was me” vs. “That was I” and “Does Beano actually work?”

This thread just wouldn’t have been complete without a lieu post!

And here I thought this thread would be about Biffo the Bear and the real Dennis the Menace.

I used to have the same problem as Batsinma’s husband. I’m not saying I’m cured now, but…well, no one’s complained in a long time. :frowning:

Anyway, Beano never had any noticeable effect on me. Unfortunately.

Geeky brewer fact…you can use Beano to homebrew low carb beer.