Does cooking/reheating foods by microwave effect the final product?

A basic question, but I’m wondering if this is true.

I’ve reheated grilled steaks in the microwave and afterward they seemed chewier. Of course, maybe it’s my imagination.

I do know that a microwaved baking potato tastes nothing like the real McCoy.

In your experience, what foods does microwaving most effect?

I never reheat pizza or fried chicken. Or, for that matter, almost anything. It just makes it taste lame. Besides, cold Popeyes spicy fried chicken is what they serve in heaven.

Microwaving often dries foods out. It makes meats tougher and chewier. I would NEVER attempt to cook a steak or chicken in the microwave, and even using it to reheat them is a gamble.

French fries are usually a lost cause after they become cold the first time, but putting them on a plate to reheat in the microwave is just asking for trouble. They become these bland, soggy, nasty sticks.

Anything longer than a minute or so for trying to melt cheese can turn it as hard as a rock and nearly inedible. Or pizza can become soggy and flimsy enough to not be able to pick up anymore.

Microwaves are great for certain uses, but there’s nothing like a toaster oven to reheat food.

In my experience, microwaving food usually makes it warmer.

Don’t know if it’s related to steak issues, but I recently learned in “Baby Care” class that you’re not supposed to warm up expressed breast milk in the microwave because it breaks down the proteins.

Reheat fried food in an oven. Even a toaster oven.

Stuff cooked in a microwave keeps cooking for a few minutes after the oven stops, as the internal heat dissapates.

I’m still bitter from the whole pop-tart disaster that seared off part of my tongue ten years ago.

Heh, I think you’ve confused ‘Cafe Society’ with ‘questions about food’ which would be ‘General Questions’.

I understand where you’re coming from, but there’s a tradition of posting cooking questions in Cafe Society, as gastronomy is an art form and that’s what Cafe Society is all about.

Besides, did you know that Cafe Society’s moderator, [/]Ukelele Ike** is an accomplished cook? He lives for this kinda stuff! Posting elsewhere would likely break the man’s heart.

must learn to spell and work code…

I understand where you’re coming from, but there’s a tradition of posting cooking questions in Cafe Society, as gastronomy is an art form and that’s what Cafe Society is all about.

Besides, did you know that Cafe Society’s moderator, Ukulele Ike is an accomplished cook? He lives for this kinda stuff! Posting elsewhere would likely break the man’s heart.

Oh ok

You learn something new everyday :slight_smile: