Does "Joe The Plumber" have a PAC?

I brought up this difference in personal income tax vs. corporate tax on business profits during another discussion. I think that you’re right in calling attention to the fact that they’re not the same thing.

I’m not sure we’re talking about a corporate tax either. I sort of picture that as only applying to publicly traded companies with multiple owners.It actually occurs to me that I’m not sure how the profits of a small business are taxed. Presumably if the owner takes all that money for his personal use, then its income. But Joe seemed to be worrying about his ability to pay employees and such, which doesn’t seem like it’d be affected by Obama’s income tax.

Joe “the Plumber” Wurzelbacher related to Charles “the Crook” Keating.

At least according to republican consultant and McCain adviser Martin Eisenstadt. And I ripped off his headline because I couldn’t improve on it.

Also Joe the Plumber is probably not registered to vote.

I’m struck dumb by the beauty of it all.

That was my big issue with that whole argument last night. The idea of ‘plumber’ cojnures up lower middle class, blue collar worker. But clearly, if the guy can afford to buy a business with this kind of cash flow, he’s not your iconic plumber. It’s pretty disingenuous to imply that he’s just an average dude trying to make it when he’s clearly got more money available to him than many/most middle class families I know.

It seems that the real issue is something along the lines of “Joe The Plumber has become wealthy and is not happy about the fact that he’s moved into a higher tax bracket.” Which is a legitimate gripe, but don’t pretend that he’s just this poor guy who’s getting his taxes raised. He’s moving up through the classes and is angry that the taxes he had to pay when he was a poor plumber fighting goombas are not the same taxes he has to pay now that he’s rescued the princess.

   Moreso. Plumbers know what to do when they're full of shit.

It seemed that McCain magically made him rich half way through the debate after Obama stated that his tax burden wouldn’t go up under his administration if he were working class. Up till then, it seemed that McCaim was trying to “put a face” on male, white, blue collar voters, i.e. Joe Six-Pack by singling him out.

Rather than Joe the Plumber, this guy sounds more like Joe Millionaire.

To McCain’s Joe Isuzu?

What a snobby, elitist remark. What’s so “low-aspiring” about the vital work of plumbers? They maintain the water and sanitation systems that we all depend on. Why should their job be considered less crucial, or less worthy of aspiration, than the job of some securities broker playing trading games with complicated financial derivatives that he doesn’t really understand and helping crash the credit system? Now there’s an achievement to aspire to. :rolleyes:

McCain: “Hey, Joe, you’re rich, congratulations!!!”

Transcript of the actual Obama/JtP conversation:

Since the joke apparently was too subtle…

Drains, septic tanks. Smelly, real bad.
The less aspirations (inhalations) you have, the better.

Play of Words 101 and Introductory Course to Witticism are advised.

You beat me to it and said it better than I might have.

I misheard Joe the Plumber very early this morning as Joe Diploma. Who is, of course, a liberal arts major and member of our permanent educated underclass, and not of much interest to pundits.

Joe Six-Pack has been replaced by Joe Butt-Crack.

Incidentally, my plumber is named Joe. I have never seen his butt-crack on display.

Oh! Okay, yes, that was a bit on the subtle side, but funny when explained. Ignore anti-elitist-snob rant above.

Good, because I don’t like to hang around with snobbish, elitist rabble. :wink:

Ah, the curses of a text only medium. Now that I see the wry smile behind the play on words, I’m less likely to think you an asshole.

There goes that nice tirade I had about how a good plumber is one of the most highly skilled people out there.

Bad plumbers, OTOH, hove a special place in hell.

I suspect such shoddiness in his adherence to the Plumber’s Dress Code is also apparent in the quality of his work. :smiley:

Heehee, I love that joke.