Does Madonna (the singer) look more and more like an old whore?

THis suggest that the answer might be: YES.

I’m going to slide this over to CS for ya.

"coming up at 11…woman succumbs to biological process of ageing. Friends say “she looked 25 years younger 25 years ago, I can’t understand it”

Well, no. She always did.

I think describing her as an old whore is unnecessarily harsh.

Eh, I’ve always thought that she usually looked (and acted) like a whore. She’s just aging, that’s all, and her lifestyle is catching up to her looks.

This woman was a natural to play Evita. Patti Lupone gave a better performance, but Madonna…well, Madonna has many things in common with Eva Peron.

I am not sure what an old whore looks like.

At least she has abandoned that hairstyle that she copied from a Dick Tracy villain.

I think she’s starting to look like Hilary Clinton.

Give her a break, she’s nearly 90.

Honestly, it’s her personality that has not aged well. Most people get softer, and kinder, as they age. I don’t get that feeling with her at all.

‘Old whore.’ Man,that’s nasty. She looks really good for her age in that photo. Do you go through the straight dopers’ picture thread laughing at how ugly everyone on there is? Because if she is, then so are they.

I wonder how her 25 year old husband/boytoy (Jesus Luiz) is getting on with her?
I see an expensive divorce in the offing.

I’m going to go with no. If anything, I think the fuller face makes her look less like a whore than a few years back.

Why would this be better suited to CS? It’s not a discussion about arts or entertainment, it’a bash against Madonna, or does anything related to celebritydom automatically get a push to CS? And a lima bean poll goes to cafe society as well? Very strange placement imho.

Personnally I think Madonna needs to lay off botox and fillers.

Though not specifically discussing her performance, we do put threads about celebrities in Cafe Society, chela. That’s the way we’ve always handled it.

I’m not sure this is as devastating an argument as you think it is.

Well, she does look older. Duh. She is older. Why do people treat this in an indignant outraged way?

Does she look like an “old whore”? I would guess that a woman of the same age who has worked in the sex industry for many years would generally look much much older than Madonna does now.

I think “old whore” is a tad harsh.
Trying pathetically too hard to look young and sexy, for sure. But she’s the same age as I am and if I looked half that good even without makeup, I’d be chuffed.

Are there any candid Madonna sans makeup photos online?

Why yes, there are a few. I feel better now!

This is an old whore.