does quentin tarantino employ armed security guards

Does quentin tarantino employ armed security guards?

After Quentin Taratino’s(sp) tirade against cops/guns I was wondering if he employs armed security guards? I’ve decided to do research on this in regards to finding out how many Celebrities hire armed security for protection for their lives as opposed to vanity, i.e., paparazzi?

Also, how many celebrities who don’t hire armed security.

I can’t imagine that information would be publicly available and verifiable, it isn’t like they’re required to report it. The best you’re going to get is anecdotal evidence, and of course who knows if that’s currently true or applicable to any other celebrities.

My unsupported guess is that most security is provided by the gated community they live in and the venues they’ll visit, possibly combined with a personal bodyguard for their own peace of mind if they’re particularly worried about stalkers or kidnapping. Trained security guards with experience and a clean background are not cheap to have around, even by celebrity standards.

First off, if it’s that easy (is it?) for a private person to get a carry permit, why would you assume bodyguards wouldn’t? I guess it depends on the type of people the boss meets, and whether they think that firearms are necessary of if one or two beefy 6-foot-4 guys are sufficient to handle fans.

Remember that a security guard is going to face a LOT more scrutiny and a lot less benefit of the doubt compared to a police officer. “I thought he had a gun” or “He tried to run me down” as the person drives away, or choking someone and watching them suffocate, are much less likely to be accepted excuses for a civilian.

Another point is - how difficult is it to get licensed to carry around the country? Police just need the automatic permission they get in their jurisdiction. As I understand NYC law, for example, the requirements to get a permit are pretty strict. Someone who flies in a few times a year may not meet the criteria, or it may not be worth the hassle. Plus, if they do end up on trial odds are nay permits, bonding, or other chances of retaining a job as a high-end body guard are probably over. I would think professional guards are probably a lot more likely to not be armed and to not use weapons if they have them.

OTOH, a lot of the above does not apply as strongly to security guards for gated communities.

Forgive the hjijack please…

QT is in the news for marching with Black Lives Matter and criticizing cops.

Prior to that, didn’t I hear of him making anti-BLM comments and getting grief from them? Assuming so I’m wondering about the details and what made him change his tune.

I’d expect that information to be easily available via Googling quentin tarrantino black lives matter flipflop , as his and BLM’s opponents would jump on the chance to call him a hypocrite or something. (They already are because he makes violent films.) But I see nothing of the sort.

I thought so to and tried searching first. I must have misread a headline. It was a good deal earlier than his clear support of BLM that I wondered what was going on but figured that a flip-flop (if there had been one) would get some play.