Does Six Feet Under seem a little....uh...'extra gay'?

I was going to start the title with “Is it just me, or…”, but I figured I’d be opening myself up to the obligatory smartass posts :wink:

I’m almost finished with the 1st season of Six Feet Under. I’m liking it thus far, but one thing that started strike me was the huge number of guy-guy scenes. It doesn’t really bother me, but there are comparitively much fewer straight intimacy scenes. The gay scenes seem to be really extended and heavy (ok, now I’m really opening myself up the snarky posts…), but the straight ones seem to pan away as soon as the couple gets down to it.

I’m all for encouraging people to be more comfortable about homosexuality, but it’s almost like the other major concepts start to get a little undershadowed. Does this continue in the other seasons, or was this just a first season ‘global issue’?

(I’ll watch it either way)

From what I remember it wasn’t enough gay. That big black sex cop was extremely sex-coppy and I would have liked to have seen a lot more sweet action there.

I also remember Gabe’s toe. That was pretty heterosexual.

Yeah, but there’s a big difference between a girl licking a guy’s toe, and 30 seconds of “Yeah, take it hard, etc, etc” with the camera on the action.

I think it is just how the story went. Season 2 has much more straight sex on screen and very little gay sex because of how the story sent.

Now you know how a Gay guy has felt all his life watching television/films with lots of hetero love scenes. With video and DVD, you can always fast forward if it bothers you.

Could be you just aren’t used to seeing it, which is why there seems to be so much. For me, it just seemed to be about the usual amount of sex scenes in any HBO/Showtime series, only Gay instead of hetero. But as mentioned, there are quite a few hetero hot moments coming in seasons to follow.

You should tape Queer As Folk sometime…that oughta make your eyes pop.

Agreed with Kel Varnsen and DMark. There’s plenty of straight stuff to look forward to (kinda), because there’s more storylines in that direction - but you won’t think anything unusual of it.

Anyway, wasn’t the first sex scene in the whole thing Brenda and Nate at the airport? That was hardly ‘nudge nudge’.

Yeah, but that was one of few. I think it fits in well in the first season (just finished the last episode), but I thought it would get a little old if they stressed it as much throughout the rest.

There’s more het sex in SFU than gay sex.

It’s almost certain that the guy-on-guy scenes just stand out a little more because you haven’t been totally desensitized to them yet through repeitition-to-the-point-of-banality.

I think there are only two gay sex scenes in season 2. Brenda tops this in average episode. Brenda seems to take over David’s sexual destructiveness

Uh…if you think the first season is extra-gay, wait till you see the fourth…

Trust me, soon enough you’ll be so sick of Nate’s chest hair… enjoy your big black sex cop while you still have the chance. (I’ve only seen through season 2, though.)

Yeah, I’d say your right, but that its just because David’s character arc is going through a sort of sexual crisis in the end of season 1. The sex between the other characters, while you presume it happens, isn’t really that plot essential (except for the Nate/Brenna airport thing and the toe thing, which have already been mentioned).

Season 2 is the opposite.

If you want, you can clip out ALL the sex scenes between what’s-his-name, the gay funeral director, and the black cop, and send 'em my way. My God, that WAS gay sex at it’s finest. I wish they’d make a full length XXX feature, just of those two.

Hehehehe. One can only hope. David and Keith are definitely a hot couple of men. I do agree that SFU doesn’t shy away from any sex scenes, gay or straight, young or old. Just like real life.