Does Trump ever laugh?

He’s a fascinating character to witness, if you can compartmentalize the psychodrama unfolding from its political consequences.

I think Trump has a big heart and I think it’s reserved for people very close to him. Underneath Trump’s extremely arrogant and brash persona, I think there’s an insecure guy who only trusts a few people in his inner circle, like a small clique of kids at a high school rejected by the popular crowd. You’re with him or against him. I don’t believe that his personal/family life is, or was, predominantly dysfunctional. I think he’s happiest with his friends and family. It doesn’t make him a “good guy” in general and it doesn’t mean he’s a good leader.

He’s sort of like the opposite of Howard Hughes. Hughes was a billionaire with a very debonair, gentlemanly, classy exterior - lots of people greatly admired him and found him to be kind and personable. But under the surface, there was incipient dysfunction, which unfortunately spiraled out of control eventually. Estranged from his family and friends, he died childless and alone.

The difference is that Hughes actually invented things that were useful and he aspired to a certain pinnacle of excellence, whether it was entertainment or technology. Trump just built tacky hotels and casinos, and shuffled money from one pile to another.