Does your brain?
Sweet Basil
Does your brain?
Sweet Basil
well, sometimes
It just imploded.
Some drink at the fountain of knowledge…others just gargle.
Only on alternate Tuesdays, between 5 and 9 p.m., by reservation. Thanks and please call again.
He weathered a firestorm of agony and did not break.
And while Yori raged against his unbending
courage, we took Kyuden Hiruma back.
His loss is great, but so is the gift his suffering brought.
-Yakamo’s Funeral
It did, right up until that incident with tha three midgets and the Cocker Spaniel . . .
Dr. Watson
“It is not enough to stare up the steps -
we must step up the stairs.”
– Vance Harvner
Without warning.
– Sylence
I don’t have an evil side. Just a really, really apathetic one.
I used to from time to time, but then there was that night with the hash and tequila, followed by the hospital, so I pretty much quit…
What? Oh. I thought the OP was Dose your brain.
Sorry. Dyslexic moment.
I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for you meddling kids!
All the time. I lettered in that in high school, and got a scholarship for my brain to do that at an NCAA Division I school where I was an All-American for four years. I was going to go pro, but I blew out my synapses, and after rehab, I just couldn’t do it the way I used to. I still do it for fun, though.
I bet it does, I bet it DOES !!
Wink wink, nudge nudge, eh ?
Lose its flavor on the bedpost over night?
Only when I freebase mercury.
You say “cheesy” like that’s a BAD thing.
Obey Radius Ron? You bethcha, Spanky.
What do I believe in? Not much that isn’t explained by logic and scientific experiment. And, you better believe, I want to see the logic and the laboratory equipment.
–P.J. O’Rourke–
Not like it used to. Sigh
Never very well, and not at all anymore.
No, but Abbey Normauls over here does constantly.
>>Being Chaotic Evil means never having to say your sorry…unless the other guy is bigger than you.<<
—The dragon observes
Occasionally, but that’s usually when I have a wild hair up my butt.
My bbrain ran away quite some time ago. I’ve been looking for her, to no avail. If you happen to see her, could you send her home? She is missed.
Ohhhhh Braaaaiiiiiin! Heeeeeere Brainy Brainy Brainy…
Of course it does! Doesn’t everyone’s?
Gee, I don’t know, but me and pippi longstockings? What would the kids look like?
Poit Narf!
>>Being Chaotic Evil means never having to say your sorry…unless the other guy is bigger than you.<<
—The dragon observes
All the time! And sometimes it’s so hard to resist.
And it’s not paranoia if they really are out to get ya.