Does your cat favor Hobbiton or Mordor?

Pretty cool: Frodo the cat gets his own Hobbit Hole and Sauron Tower - Album on Imgur

That eye of Sauron is about to have a very bad day. If only Gandalf had had access to Giant Kittehs, that book would have been much shorter.

‘I wub you, Eye of Sauron!’

My mom’s tenant favors whichever one gets her more pettings. Seriously, that cat will turn down food in favor of rubs and noogies.

My cat’s more of an Orthanc kind of guy.

I remember the Professor once referred to Siamese cats, in particular, as “spawn of Mordor.”

Picture someone who’d maybe play around with The One Ring for a bit before napping in a sunbeam or wandering off to look for a snack and, presto: Tomcat Bombadil.