Doesn't it seem like...

Multinational corporations no longer recognize their countries of origin and consider themselves and their profits and expenditures as ‘global.’

Nor do, I believe, multi-billionaires consider any country nor geographical boundaries to have any ‘real’ significance in their daily lives.

Whether it is the Artic or the Antartic or Spain or Russia or the Netherlands or Latin America or North America or China or India or the ‘Stans’…it is those people who own money and have the power of money who actually buy the governments of the world in order to make profits.

To expand their wealth; and thereby increase their power and control of all militaries and governments.

The ‘Elites’ of every geographical country have more in common with one another than with any of their citizenship. But therein lies their need for force. For militaries. For huge budgets for guns and bombs and fighter jets and nuclear-armed naval vessels and thousands upon thousands of willing (and sometimes not so willing) men and women conditioned to fight for their own “tribe.”

No, I am NOT any kind of a ‘Conspiracy’ theorist.

Just a person who recognizes that those who work toward the same goals do not have to get together to ‘discuss and decide’ issues: They just, all together, agree that they want to hang on to their wealth, protect their wealth, and increase their wealth.

For this, it takes governments (of whatever form) and the billions of citizens abiding therin, to rally in support.

Yes: there is THAT GREAT a difference between the top 1% of every country and the rest of the citizenship.

Are we all dupes?

Encouraged to ‘fight for our own tribe’ and compete for productivity in order to defeat a competitor who is nothing more than a strawman in a never-ending ‘arms race’ to keep producing wealth for others?

(And please, PLEASE, don’t throw ‘Democracy’ and ‘Freedom’ and ‘Constitutional Government’ and ‘The Rule of Law’ at me. Despite these advantages, the same types of individuals rule every corner of the globe.

Thereby the wealth; thereby the power; thereby the control of every society on the face of the Planet.)

$Money, Power and Control is KING - everywhere.

And WE are the serfs who work and produce to fund it.

YES, American and Swedish and British (etc.) serfs have ‘easier’ lives… nevertheless…we are serfs.

Perhaps it is time to rethink … everything.

Oh, right. I THOUGHT I recognized your name, but I couldn’t remember why until I opened the thread.

Moving thread from IMHO to Great Debates, and suggesting that have a moderator change the title to something more descriptive and less vague.

This again? Thread closed.