Dolphin bubble rings.

Dolphins making bubble rings to play with. Could it be that they’re trying to create a portal to escape the tank and get back into their natural habitat?
You be the judge.

I almost posted about these. They’re cool (and they know it -check the expressions on their faces!).

Humpback whale bubble ring

Way, way cool. Thanks for the link!

What’s interesting is that the dolphins create, then play with the rings. It’s not a feeding or mating behavior. They alter the ring, then turn back to see the result.
The article linked from the snopes page looks interesting, but my attention span right now isn’t up to reading it. Need some breakfast first. :wink:

Looks so cool. I want to play too!!

The link mentions ‘air-core vortex rings.’ Soon they’ll all be gone, thanking us for the fish.

I’ve seen them do that at Sea World. It’s very cool.

Some cetaceans, orcas I’m sure, form a bubble curtain around a school of fish to concentrate the fish, then swim up though the school and gobble up a belly full. They take turns. Why sardines are afraid of bubbles is beyond me. :dubious:
But that’s not play, and is a whole 'nuther activity.

They’re screwing with my head, man!

I work with a guy from Wisconsin. Do you happen to know him?

I know them all.


That’s amazing, I’m getting a Happy Feet vibe out of it! :eek:

Yet another reason for me to love dolphins!