After watching The Last Ship as the other new show, Dominion was much better. Different, for sure. But interesting. The characterizations aren’t cookie-cutter. The show is therefore doomed. Too bad.
I found I had to see Legion first, so I finished it last night so I can start on Dominion tomorrow. Whoever they have playing Gabriel, movie or TV, is no Christopher Walken, but will have to do. I liked Legion better than the critics did, but I’m a sucker for humans vs angels.
Nope. I’m 2/3 through the pilot and it’s a snooze fest. I was predisposed to like it and I like political thrillers, but it’s riddled with clichés and there isn’t a microgram of humour in it.
Oh, look. Firefox’s spell checker has finally started working, but is insisting on the U in “humor” and the accent acute in “cliches.” It thinks I’m Canadian.
It got better. Not the spellchecker, Dominion. But instead of the next episode Hulu went straight to Domain (2009), which is about a 17-yr-old boy exploring his homosexuality and who is fascinated by his aunt. You would think that with all the data Hulu has gathered about me it would base its recommendations on what I watch rather than simply going in reverse alphabetical order. A chimp with file cards could do that. However, it still tries to show me ads for feminine hygiene products, though it knows I’m a male well past my childbearing years. Computers are stupid.
But if you are patient (that “first 2/3” turned out to be the first 1/3–it was that dry) it looks like there will be a payoff. And Tony Head is getting more evil; I never took him for the not-evil type, even on Buffy.
I’m glad you liked it better towards the end. I can’t remember if I even watched Legion, so for me it’s mostly a post-apocalypse Supernatural kind of thing. Nothing life changing, but much more entertaining than say, Under the Dome.
Am I the only one wondering what kind of accent Anthony Stewart Head is supposed to have? Generally I love him, but the accent keeps throwing me.
Yeah, it’s distracting. Maybe he’ll die.
What I heard is that Giles taught Spike his English accent and Spike taught Giles his American. Spike was the better teacher or better student.
Either spike is the better student, or Giles is the better teacher. Hearing spike with his natural accent is always surprising. I think oh yeah he really isn’t British. Hearing Giles try to be American is more of a what the hell is that supposed to be moment.
io9 liked It but also gleefully described everything that was wrong with it. I reckon it’ll become a guilty pleasure. Oh and they hated Giles’ accent:
Do they have anything as unbalanced as the King’s Court? #DisappointedInTitle
My disappointment with the show is with the weapons. They are defending the city against angels (demons?) with guns that are ineffective against the enemy. So do they find weapons that work? Nope, just shoot at the invaders every time they attack and maybe someday the bullets will magically become an effective defense against the angels. :rolleyes:
What are you talking about? the guns worked on the angels they were used to fighting.
Since the Lower Angels are immortal spirits, when the bodies they inhabit get killed why don’t they just possess someone else?
And apparently there isn’t a “natural” Yank accent on the show. Just Brits, Strines, and (gasp) Boers.
This is like a worse version of the most recent season of Supernatural.
And what the fuck at Giles’s “american” accent. They should have just let his character be British if that’s the best he can do.
Maybe it would make more sense if I’d seen the movie, but as I remember the trailers made it look like utter garbage, which the show isn’t. Not great either, though.
Aah, another stealth local genre production I have yet to see … what do you foreign people think of Kim Engelbrecht, btw? I used to have such a crush on her.
Pretty girl. Nice ass. What’s not to like?