Donald Trump wants to make YOU a Millionaire!

No kidding! Fopr the mere price of $179.95, you can attend a “life changing” seminar, wherein he’ll reveal his secrets to you…and you can become a millionaire. can’t they prosecute this guy for fraud?

Why would they prosecute him for fraud? Could you please elaborate.

If he wasn’t already a millionaire (billionaire?) I could see your point of view. Kinda like if a guy named ralphsomethingorother tried to sell books titled “Perfecting Your Punctuation”, then I could see a case for fraud. :wink:

Hey, I want to make you a millionaire also my friend, as well as myself.

I also want to be invisible and fly.

Get rich quick books and seminars have been around for as long as I can remember. I guess there’s no shortage of folks thinking there’s some secret quick way to get rich that’s spelled out in specific terms by these guys.

If Donald Trump want to make me a millionaire, he can just mail me the cheque for $1,000,000. I won’t object.

I’ll tell you Trump’s secret… it’s called “I-N-H-E-R-I-T-A-N-C-E”. Sure, he’s grown (and lost and grown) the fortune, but it sure helps to start with a multimillion dollar construction company.

He could make a mint if companies made attendance mandatory and then let people pay to get out of going. I’d certainly shell out lots of dough for the privilege of avoiding him.

Learning Seminars has reduce the price! You can now learn Trump’s secrets for only $99…9!