Don't give a good goddamn if it's the Pit or not

Pit or not, if this is acceptable within the community here, I want no part of this place.


Hear, hear.

I agree. Morgenstern went personal like this a few months ago, and while he wasn’t banned, he left the board (after driving off someone else), presumably recognizing he wasn’t welcome here anymore.

Huey deserves IMO a single hard-and-fast wakeup on this issue, but only one. His excuses, his YOU BETTER NOT COME AT ME schtick, is not acceptable.

His hate filled rants are concerning.

I admittedly don’t spend much time there, but isn’t that the exact purpose of the Pit: to hurl caustic insults at people one dislikes? This sounds like the sort of rant that would be cheered by many here if it were only directed at the right target.

Yeah, you and yours are soooo put upon.

People who are on medication prescribed by a doctor do not need to be harried about taking that medication.

Guinastasia is a grown woman, strong and self-secure, who can look after herself. But there are lots and lots of people who are new to anti-depressants–who worry about taking them–who should not be harangued for taking what their doctor prescribes.

Anybody who would do that is a goddamned troll, whether Conservative or Liberal, and they ought not be allowed into this community.

I don’t support anyone who is jerkish in their behavior. That it’s hate speech, there is no question. IMO.

Did you report the post?

You betcha.

There is hurling inults and even more - but somethings go beyond the pale - had they been directed at “the right target” it would still be out of line.

OK, I insist.

That’s what the Pit IS. Many / perhaps most of the posts there are “jerkish in their behavior”.

“hate speech” usually seems to have an amorphous definition that amounts to “whatever I don’t like” where “I” is the person making accusations of “hate speech”. Do you work from a more concrete definition?

I’m glad to hear you say that, but what sort of things are “beyond the pale”, in your opinion?

I’m not Beckdawrek, but I’m fine with jerkishness in the Pit. I’ve played that game myself.

What I can’t put up with is trolling, not even in the Pit.

Your boy’s a troll, so I’d distance myself from him if I were you. You have some shreds of credibility left. Use the lifeboat. No point in going down with that ship.

Hate speech is just that, hate speech. It’s not hard to tell when it’s hate speech. A second grader can be taught how to tell what hate speech is.

Huey on occasion targets below the belt. I think he does that to reflect his beliefs that the racism here should also be considered below the belt. It’s performance art.

It’s trending stale. Also rules are rules, though the limits in the Pit are not always bright. More work for the mod-loop I suppose. I disagree about the accusations of trolling though. I believe Huey is kidding on the square. I could be wrong of course. But I say evidence for trolling is currently insufficient.

Would that lesson go beyond “hate speech is just that, hate speech”?

Are you always this ambiguous with second graders?

LMAO at the idea that you think Huey is “my boy”.

(One of) The funny part(s) is that I agree with most of what you posted about him, I just find that the pearl-clutching leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

FWIW, since I was the one insulted, if he wants to use my illness against me, then that just shows his true colors, not mine.
Going after family members of other posters though, should be off limits. I think there should be a rule against that.

This alone should cover it, IMHO: