Don't miss Sharknado July 11th on Syfy

With props to Prof. Pepperwinkle this will be airing Thursday the 11th at 9PM eastern.


I’ve set my DVR. Madame Pepperwinkle (who lives for Shark Week) can’t wait.

I can’t wait for Piranhaquake!, Shih Tzunami! and Son Of A Bitch! It’s Actually Raining Cats And Dogs!

Be careful you don’t step in a poodle.

I think this has the potential to be the greatest movie ever made.

At first I read the title as Snarknado and figured it was about some sort of confection like a Snickerdoodle. :smack:

I kinda love these. My favorite so far was Snakehead Terror, in which the movie came up with imaginitive ways to put the cast in danger of walking catfish.

I love these movies so much. I am so excited I learned about this before it happened–now that I don’t watch many Syfy original shows anymore, sometimes I’m unaware of the brilliance until after it’s aired. Thank you, deltasigma. You made my week.

Prof. Pepperwinkle was the first to spot this but if you want the straight dope on what is worth watching any given week, google ‘engadget must see hdtv’ and look for the current week. They seem to have the inside track on everything decent. :slight_smile:

It’s already on my DVR, just in case. Fella and I laugh like the stupid fools we are on these movies. We were on vacation recently, and in the pool (we were alone) I jumped on him, yelling “Sharktopus!!!”

What does she thing of the Snuffy the Seal commercial?:smiley:

Just a heads up. Follow interviews, chatter, with director and star.

“This movie is simply not believable! I’m supposed to believe that Tara Reid found employment?” - John Oliver

I almost regret letting cable go, now. I’ll have to wait until it shows up on one of the streaming providers… and darn, my wife is out tonight and wouldn’t be able to complain through the whole horror.

OMG. The title alone will require at least a few minutes of watching.

I warn you in advance that if you reside on the North American continent, you will be able to hear the Divemaster’s repeated eye-rolling. Suffice it to say he does NOT share my enthusiasm for really bad sci fi flicks. :smiley:

Sharknado Blockbuster Stokes Passion, Controversy

Banner year for shark movies, apparently.
Good topic for Baker’s Dozen.
ETA: Headline in cite is incorrect: it omits the “!”. Without the “!” it’s not the same movie.

Ok we just finished watching it. It was simultaneously the best and worst movie we’ve ever seen. :smiley:

Favorite dialogue:
“I think the storm’s letting up”
“How can you tell?”
“There aren’t as many sharks flying around”

Oh, and this passed by rather quickly while we were practically rolling around on the floor laughing, but did they use a HEDGE TRIMMER at one point? I know that one guy had a chainsaw at the end but I swear I also saw them using a hedge trimmer.

Watching it on DVR. I can’t believe they got George! :frowning:

Watched it in a bar with subtitles and the sound off. Listened to 80’s goth music while it was playing–Mission UK, Fields of Nephilim, Depeche Mode, etc. Liked shotgun bar girl, glad she survived an hour in a shark’s belly.

Wow. Just… wow.

Even by SyFy Channel standards, this was just awful. Roger Corman is rolling in his grave and he ain’t even dead yet. And I’m a fan of these kinds of movies.