Don't send me to Target with a credit card.

My adictions are Trader Joe’s and Cost Plus World Market. I’ve never been able to get out of TJs for less than $100. Too many choices of cheese and wine. Forget the fact that we have cases of wine around the house already. Yes, I said* cases*. Og Forbid I not have immediately at hand the wine I am looking for!

CPWM is the painful one. The wife and I both go nuts in there. Look! Thai elephant bookends! Look! New baskets! Look! English canned goods!

Couple that with a taste for Good Scotch and a local Liquorama.


The new shopping center in town has a Target, Michael’s, Cost Plus, Barnes & Noble, and a Sports Chalet. I’ve never going to be able to save any money, am I?
My KitchenAide is white. Can I still play?

There’s a gourmet chocolate and candy store 3 blocks away from my apartment. They also carry pop in neat flavours, and imported English candy, cookies, and canned goods. I would eat nothing but Jaffa Cakes if I could afford their bloody prices. And they have canned sticky toffee pudding, which is amusing. And so many other fun things- Steak and black pepper crisps, homemade fudge…

Mr. Lissar is wrong. I am NOT dangerous in food stores.

Someone buy me a KitchenAide? Will bake bread for KitchenAide!

i went to target on friday. wheee doggie, back to school stuff. i love back to school stuff. i saw a bench i must have. hopefully i’ll be heading back in a couple of weeks.

i went in for a storage container, i left without one, but i got tons of really important stuff!

I think we’re all married to the same spouse. I am Not Allowed to go unaccompanied to:

Yankee Candle
Any county that contains a jewelry store
Cost Plus World Market
Bed, Bath & Beyond
Trader Joe’s
Penzey’s Spices
JoAnn Fabrics
Hobby Lobby
American Science & Surplus
MAC Cosmetics

or to any of the following virtual stores:
Wireless (unless I am shopping for HIM)

I am allowed to go to the Renaissance Faire alone though. Muahahahaha. This year alone I got myself 7 new CDs, a jar of scented hand cream, two sterling rings, two pewter pins, one sterling pin, a tankard, a tooled-leather sketchbook cover, a leather belt, a rapier and a bodice dagger. I’m also allowed to go to Borders Books alone…at least until the WryGuy finds the most recent receipt.

LifeOnWry , you have a Trader Joe’s, Penzeys, American Science and Surplus AND a Cost Plus World Market…all within driving distance??? OMG, I think I need to pack up and move to Chicago RIGHT NOW :smiley:

I am lucky right now, because the nearest Cost Plus is in Denver, about 50 miles south of where I live. But I hear they are planning to build one in my town very soon.

Wonder how long I have to find a better paying job to support my habit? :wink:

I have to admit I have some suspicions about that thing. It doesn’t seem to attach very securely and it doesn’t fit when the bowl is under the mixer.

But I’ve got it, so that means I have to at least try it, right?

Bookshops. I cannot go into a bookshop without spending money. Doesn’t matter what kind of bookshop, be it Borders, Waterstones, Forbidden Planet, any of the bookshops on Charing Cross Road, or even a second hand bookshop, if I go in, I will spend money. Fortunately, I’m not banned from going into bookshops, because my boyfriend’s the same. In fact, I reckon he’s probably encouraged my book buying habit. :smiley:

Trader Joe’s - 20 minutes due south
Penzey’s - 40 minutes southwest
American Science and Surplus - 20 minutes west
Cost Plus - 30 minutes north

This is not exactly convenient. But it makes the WryGuy very happy indeed.

I used to live within a block of a Target. Pity me. When they were building the Target that’s within a couple miles of our home, we would drive past (on our way to the further Target) and check their progress and if the opening date had been updated. And yes, we went there and shopped on their opening day.

Unfortunately, my husband and I have Pavlovian drool responses for mostly the same stores. Costco, Best Buy, Trader Joe’s, and Target are some of our worst weaknesses. Brewing stores too, though I’m the brewer - he’s the consumer. :wink:

Be glad, be very glad, you do not have a Jungle Jim’s on your street corner.

I would be “not allowed” to go by myself, but Mr. E always goes with me, and he’s just as bad. So instead of the half ton of produce we were intending to buy, we come out of there with a whole ton of other stuff. I don’t even want to mention the price, because it makes me blush. We are so bad!

They have a walking tour. That’s right. A walking tour. It takes one and a half hours! They have miles of shelves! Acres of space!

Not only do they have possibly the greatest selection of fresh vegetables around, they have an international market, with the best British selection EVAR. They also have a Holland section, a German section, a French section, and Irish section, an Indian section, a Chinese section, a Hawaiian section, a Portugese, Spanish, Mexican, Swedish, etc etc etc section!

Sooooo BAD!

LMAO. I feel like I’m spending excessively because I want to buy an electric eggbeater for $6 at walmart.

I haven’t been to target in a while, its on the other side of town.

Tell me about it. Bookstores are on The List, so I can only go in if she can keep an eye on me.* About a month ago I went onto to try buy a twelve dollar cookbook/humor piece and ended up spending about a hundred and forty bucks. I think it’s a sickness.

When my truck was in getting new tires and she was driving us both to work I looked around and said, “Honey, I think we need to get you a new car.” She screamed.

*I may be exagerrating a bit.

We’re neighbors!
Exgineer too?

Oh, and in answer to the OP: me and a coworker have the same issue all the time. I love our Target. I actually can’t wait for the one in Latham, since I rarely go into Albany on the weekends.

Oh, holy crap, me neither. I’ll probably NEVER manage to use up all the beads and findings I’ve bought from their jewelry-making section, but I can’t resist…ooooh, shiny!

Oh, and Himself is not allowed to go into a tackle shop without me knowing exactly what he’s going after, and what he plans to spend.