Don't walk on the backs of hippos.

I blame the game Hungry Hungry Hippos for breeding a society that thinks hippos are happy-go-lucky fatties that just like to gobble up marbles and look goofy.

Don’t forget Spock.

Best line from the article:

“Mr Courtney went to bed hoping to reassess the situation in the daylight, but woke to find it was, in fact, still a pigmy hippo.”

The next day the hippo was seen wearing Crocs.

Ha! The look on that crock’s face in the second pic is priceless!

I thought the same thing–kind of bemused, like he just realized he’s in trouble but hasn’t grasped the impact of it yet.

I have heard–from our good friend Mr. FOAF–that hippos kill more humans than any other large animal in Africa. It’s not because they’re particularly vicious, it’s because tourists are unaware of the danger and blithely walk up to them.

Amazing username for this thread. :smiley:

I have heard that on tv … and given the brain power of the average tourist, I would agree … it is the same tourist that walks up to the lion cub thinking it is abandoned and wants to save it … or keeps a full adult fanged chimp as a pet and gives it human drugs …:smack: