DopeFest - Melbourne, Australia!

haha Ok, Ok. I should be able to make it, then. Plus the mention of beer can’t be resisted :slight_smile:

Geelong’s an hour out of Melbourne, Bendigo is 2 and a half. I’m going to Bendigo in a couple weeks for a 21st, I’ll have my own little Dopefest… just a bit early (21st is at Big Hill Vineyard!).

Go easy on me, it’ll be my first time :smiley:

A DopeFest Virgin!

  • :: Rubs hands in glee :: *

Quasi a phone chat would be great fun. Hopefully we can arrange something, I think Ice Wolf might also like to chat to us. Just need to work out a location with a landline we can use.

Quasi - It’d be much cheaper if we rang you. If we got a say G’day Card (Telstra sells them), popped 40 cents into a payphone and used the 1300 (cost of local call) number for it, we could easily get about an hour and a bit worth of talk time for $5.

Grand total, $5.40 (in American about $3 :)).

A few years I moved out here to go to Uni, and all of my family is back in the States, so I ring them every now and then. I use a $20 Say G’day card and get about 5-6 hours of talking time. They try to call me for an hour and it can cost them up to $60 (a dollar/minute is insane!).

Oh, and I guess this serves as a warning to the people I’ll be meeting, I’m a converted American. I have quite a bit of an Aussie accent, but you can still tell I’m a Yank.

Latch - fantastic idea! Could call Quasi (USA) and Ice Wolf (NZ) with the same Say G’Day card?

Yep, although we might want to get a $10 one. Not sure what rates to NZ cost… although they can’t be more than the USA ones, I’d think.

I live in hope. :smiley:

If I happen to be in Melbourne then, count me in.

Well, * think somebody (me) got a bad case of the “Y’all’s” in that post, y’all! Jesus! Why don’t some o’y’all put me outta my misery??? :smiley:

Looking forward to that phone call!


“Looking forward to that phone call…” yes, but it shouldn’t be at your expense. Give me an address and I’ll forward some money for it, 'kay?


We can all pitch in some money. Seriously, it’d probably cost you more to ship over the money than the money itself!

I’m thinking I may buy a $20 phone card (I use them to call the States anyways) and whoever ends up using it can just give me a dollar coin or whatever. Maybe just shout me a pot. It’s not going to cost that much anyways. I’ll just use what we have left next time I ring home.

Once again, I’m new to all this… so is that cool for everyone?

p.s. I thought you were purposley (sp?) putting all those "Y’all"s in.

Latch you may be a newbie but you’ve got the true doper spirit. I’m happy to put in a few $'s towards to cost of the call. It’s money well spent getting a chance to chat to doper friends o/s.

I’d love to come but I have a cocktail party in Bendy that night that I have to organise… maybe I can come for a drink or two then shoot off home - I don’t wanna miss out on a gathering :slight_smile:

I’ll be there too. I may look and sound funny because I’m having a lot of dental surgery done that week. Nobody is interested in telling me how much pain/discomfort/ cosmetic distress I am likely to suffer, so I am expecting the worst.

I have been very busy lately (long story and dying to tell you) but I’m still alive and kicking.

Latch, mate, I have never found Dopefests to be very tumultuous - nobody drinks heavily or is too loud and crazy. I have always found them similar to going on a work social outing, except that you actually ** like all the people present, and know about them.

See you soon guys, and I’ll post to the G’Dope board too.

Sincere good wishes,


who was that masked boss?

Good to see you Redboss, hope the procedures aren’t as bad as you expect and that you are back in true form fast.

Yay Redboss good to see you again :slight_smile:

Look forward to catching up with you.

:eek: Redboss lives!

I don’t know if I can make that or not, dammit - I work Saturday mornings and start pretty early, so I’m usually about ready to crash out by around 2pm (goddamn 4am starts)… I’ll make it if I can, but don’t wait for me.

Any news on when the dingy sent to fetch the kiwi dopers is due to arrive. Ice and I have many important arguments to have on the way (yes I know she will win) but we wanna come!

Well if y’all wanna call me that’s fine, but leechie you don’t list an e-mail address, so where can I send my phone number?


Whoops! Sorry, musta been looking at the wrong post, there. I see I can send e-mail to you, leechbabe and my number will be on the way in just a few…


Saturday the 18th is good for me as well, because I will be off that day and will be available to answer the phone. Just need to get the time difference and mark it on my calendar…