Doper Ancestor Picture Thread

Not sure if I get this - is it because of Charles Nelson Reilly?

Not really an ancestor, because she never had kids (when she was nineteen, her fiance died in a carriage accident the morning they were supposed to be married) but my great-great-great (possibly a few more greats should be in there) aunt was Donaldina Cameron.

Great pic. Much less fussy and formal than the ones I have. Thanks for posting.

Yep. Not directed at you. I’m sure the guys posting pictures of monkeys intended to be humorous, but I didn’t appreciate it. Apologies sir or ma’am.

A regular Bonnie Parker. And I agree that the first is a beautiful picture. That’s why we gotta keep these around. Thanks for posting.

Wow. Any idea of the date? That almost looks Civil War era.

And yeah, I think I overreacted to the silliness. Apologies to them as well. Losing at the poker table can do that to a guy…

Those are great. Someone collected and published them?

This is my dad.

Very nice collection. I see that I should add birth dates or whatever where known so that we might have some idea of the date of a photo.

Interesting person. I have always said that I would just as soon be a descendant of a notorious horse thief as a run-of-the-mill king, but you have a real winner in your family tree.

A few notes on the thread so far:

I’m older than the average Doper, so I doubt that I will ever find much beyond Great Grandparent level. Photography started to come on strong in the 1870’s or so? I have seen the Matthew Brady Civil War stuff, but that had some loooooong exposure times.

For those not too experienced at scanning (like me), IrfanView allows rotation in one tenth of a degree increments. Very helpful for cleaning up sloppy scans for cropping/cutting.

Keep 'em coming! Everyone has something interesting to share.

I meant to add:

As far as I know, most of my ancestors arrived in the USA as immigrants from Northern Europe sometime in the 1800’s, with little more than the clothes on their backs. They worked hard and made a decent life for themselves and their progeny. I gotta give them major props for that.

As an example, my great-grandfather who bears my last name, and who arrived in exactly that circumstance, would probably be pretty proud of the fact that all those of my generation have attained at least a Bachelor’s degree, with several PhD’s, MS’s, MA’s, and JD’s in the mix.

Not bad for a guy who started out in the USA as a pig feeder, in exchange for room and board and English lessons.

Here’s my great-great-great-great… and so forth grandfather on my mom’s side (I’m still working out the specifics). This is my great-great-great-great-etc. grandfather on my dad’s side.

Here’s the oldest family photo I own, my great-grandfather in his Confederate uniform.

(Hope that link works.)

That is in Ohio. And, the nearest we can find out is that they are part of a Sons of War Veterans type thing. That fellow is my grandmother’s dad - she was born in 1909. (Previous thread about the photo).

I’m still not sure.

Ya know, earlier we did a poll of Doper ages. The average age (sample size = 243) was 40.967. :wink:

Here are the old family photos I’ve scanned so far - I’ll be getting more in eventually, hopefully sometime this summer.

Also, the pilot here is my father’s uncle, so my great-uncle. He’s the one on the far left in the back row.

Yes. I’m a dork that way. :cool:

Here is my great-grandmother, in this newspaper clipping following the birth of her great-great-great-granddaughter. All six generations of the family in one sitting.

WOW that is amazing!!! A very prolific family indeed. Do you have that branch of your family tree all mapped out? Is one of the ladies your mom?