It's time for a new Doper pic thread!

It’s been over 2 months since our last Doper pic thread, and I don’t think I have ever participated. I know you all have fancy-shmancy cameras and are snapping pics all the time, so post up your latest!

Me and the wife having a few beers.

Awww, that’s adorable newcrasher

Here’s my ugly mug:

Smiling Mario

Me at Karaoke with some beautiful friends

My Halloween date who I think just broke up with me. le sigh.

The only recent picture of me.

Playing my Martin D-16GT.

Nice axe.

Here is me in the mirror. Here is me after learning how to use the camera timer.

Thank you sir. Got it about two and a half years ago. I’ve never played anything that sounds sweeter. The guitar in the background is a Schecter, I believe, and belongs to my friend. As far as electrics go, I have a Les Paul Special.

They look much better when photographed by something other than a cell phone!

Less than a month ago

I think I saw Hal Briston on this page of really bad costumes (scroll down about 1/3 of the page).

Caution: some of the costumes on the page linked by Chanteuse are NSFW, for those folks who may encounter the thread during work hours.

Here’s a recent one of me (SFW, thankfully)

Okay, now I’m intrigued. Is there a reason you had to put the “SFW” disclaimer there? :dubious:

Just to contrast with the earlier comment about a NSFW link. A rather paltry attempt at humour, I’m afraid… all existing pix of me are SFW, and I’m keeping it that way for the good of humanity.

(now make with the pix, mister… no posting in a picture thread unless you’re willing to share some of your own)

My apologies for the lack of warning about the website–I’ve been brain-dead all day.

hangs head in shame

When come back bring pix.

Hmmm…I think all the photos I have are the same ones I used in the last Doper photo thread. We can’t have that!

Well, I’m not terribly fond of having my picture taken, but if I have a costume on I am nothing but a big ol’ canned ham. Tina'TheBee'sKnees'LongD | Tina Long | Flickr.

Browse down a bit and you can see a picture of the evil bedroom kitty…Buzzsaw. The most appropriately named cat in the world.

Me and my girlfriend’s Australian Cattle Dog, taken about a week ago.

My dogs, FWIW. Porties rule.

This is the most accessible one I have (I am the male):

You were great in Arrested Development.

