Doper Brat Pack™ First Year Anniversary

It is hard to believe that the Doper Brat Pack™ is now entering its second year of SDMB activity.

Sure, in the past year the Brat Pack™ cured global warming, prevented further destruction of the rain forests and stopped Pauly Shore from making any movies. But still, there is so much more the Brat Pack™ must do in order to make the world a better place in which to live.

First thing, let’s see if we can gather all the Brat Packers together in this thread.

We may have stopped Pauly Shore, but my arch-nemesis Keanu Reeves continues to make movies and millions of dollars. Please stop paying to see his movies. Thank you.

Oh, and I just want to say I don’t feel one year older. I’m still just a kid!

Hello all!

Have I made it in time for cake?

God. Wish I could qualify, but I am more likely to be the man driving their bus around from signing party to signing party.

-sob- god I’m such a loser.


I forget…am I still the leader of the SDMBBP, and if so, am I still secrectly plotting to bring it collapsing down from within?

I’m an assistant. Hear my grovel!

Comic books for everybody!

I mean, you can’t have mine. So go get your own.

Nocturnal_Tick doesn’t spend much time on the boards these days, so I think you’re still in charge.

We need order in here I say!

*::: cracks her whip ::: *

Where do I put the chips and dip anyway? It’s hard to carry them and maintain a decent whip crack.

Yes Mistress Tiggrkitty

::: groveling at, and kissing her bare feet … and loving every minute of it ::: :smiley:

Hey it looks as if the Brat Pack’s popularity has spread to other message boards.
[Link removed - SkipMagic]
It seems as if they are eager to join but membership has been closed for quite some time.
Sorry guys - that ship has sailed.