And of course, any women who like to see their guys in nice suits (Anaamika, I’m looking at you here…), feel free to chip in.
Later this fall I’ll be attending a musical performance conducted by a friend of mine. This is a university jazz band, and will be performing in the main concert hall on campus. There is a large attendance expected. Following this performance, my friend will be hosting a sorta graduation dinner for his wife, who will be receiving her master’s degree the same week.
So. I need a suit. I’m very much a Carhartt and Levi’s type of guy. When I dress nice it’s black Dockers, hush puppies and oxford shirts. I don’t know shit about suits. My attire for this evening needs to be something above and beyond the typical ‘business’ look, but not on the level of a tux.
First of all I’m 6’3" or so and 300 lbs. I’m thinking a black or charcoal three piece. The only suit I ever wore was a three piece (rented, for my wedding), I loved the look. I don’t want to look like an old-school baron or Mr. Potter, but more like Jackie Gleason in The Hustler. I figure with a three piece I can ditch the vest if I need to wear the suit in a less formal occasion.
Now for some specifics:
The jacket. How many buttons? What really is the difference (I mean in the look of two vs. three)?
Tailoring. Everything I’ve found online says to buy a suit and have it tailored. How? Do you buy a suit that is deliberately large and have it fitted? How long does this usually take and what is a typical charge? Should I look for anything specific in an off-the-rack suit that will make this process easier and/or cheaper? I know I’m going to spend some bucks on this wardrobe, but I would like to at least know what I’m doing before forking over the cash.
The only place I can find within a couple hour’s drive of here is a Men’s Wearhouse. Opinions on this place differ, so I am interested in hearing yours. I don’t care if it’s a cheap suit as long as doesn’t look particularly cheap (not that I can tell the difference).
How to choose a tie/shirt combo? How the hell does one judge what looks good? I’m thinking a white shirt with a very dark colored (burgundy perhaps) tie. Predictable, but hard to fuck up the look. How should I go about this? What about all one color (suit, tie, belt, shoes, pocket square) with a white or light grey shirt? I have no desire to be trendy or modern, but well dressed for a formal occasion among academics and businessmen.
Accessories. I like the idea of a collar pin and nice watch. These things seem to be considered extra fancy. What’s your opinion?
An overcoat. This will be in Maryland, in December, and we will be walking across campus several times, as well as a bit of DC later that evening. Would one of those large shouldered coats worn over a suit jacket be ok? (I’ve only seen these in the movies).
Any an all opinions and anecdotes welcome. I have no clue what I’m doing here.