Doperball II

Standup Karmic, standing idly by, reviewing the rules yet again to see if he fully grasps the nature of this game. He is just about to use his incredible bionic powers when he realizes its time to install Service Pack 2. After doing a twenty minute download and fourty minute install, he realizes that the new SP2 is not compatible with spherical objects. The ball drops to the ground and meanders over to…

Team 2

Johnny Bravo, who knocks it out of the way on his way to bed.

Team 2

To Phelan who sets the ball up like it was a volleyball. The ball hangs above the net as if it were being held on air, and…

Team 2

Hal staggers back to his feet and sees Phelan’s alley-oop shot hanging juuuust outside the goal. “Nuts to this…I’m-a scoring”, he mutters, whomping the ball with the flat edge of the broadsword, sending the ball neatly to the back of the net.

Woohoo! 3-1!! :smiley:

Team 1: 1
Team 2: 3
Ball is back in center!

For any new players, here’s another list of teams:

Team 1: A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y

Team 2: B D F H J L N P R T V X Z

team I
Greenback now dressed for hockey takes the ball with his stick and tries to skate down the field…and promptly falls again.

What do you mean doperball is not played on ice??
Greenback does manage to shoot the ball towards the far end of the field using a classic Dump and Chase strategy.

Greenback also gives Hal Briston a nice slash when the ref isn’t looking, just to send a message (Geez, hockey is barbaric :slight_smile: )

Team 2

Doctor Jackson sneaks slealthily up behind JimSox. As JimSox bends over to place the ball on center, Doc kicks him in the butt, sending the ref and the ball flying down court.

[sub]I’m gonna find a rule to break in this game if it kills me[/sub]

Another outburst like that, Doctor Jackson, and I might have to send you to team 1 :wink:

Hey stripes, we don’t want him as Greenback is getting changed into shoes and shorts in the middle of the field
Now to get that ba…oh look. Popcorn.

Greenback heads off towards the popcorn vendor.

(Team 1)
The same popcorn vendor that Yeti just cleaned out…Yeti, while picking kernals out of his teeth, picks up the ball to sniff to see if any desert item is on there (since he’s been pretty lucky so far finding food on it), finds nothing. Thoroughly disinterested he boots the ball up in the air and awaiting the hang time is…

team I

…and hits Greenback right in the head as he was approaching Yeticus Rex to get some popcorn kernals after noticing that the popcorn cart was empty.

I know we’re teammates and all but I think you should have been the one to pay for the snacks.

Greenback throws the ball back into the fray.

Team 2

…“the fray” being Hal, in this case.

He grabs Greenback’s pass and prevent’s a Team 1 score. He whips off his kilt, fashsions a crude sling, and loads up the doperball.

Charging downfield, doperball sling twirlling above his head, he lets the ball fly!

(It’s at that moment that he realizes that removing a kilt causes other balls to fly as well) :o

: grabs a net to catch Hal’s pass and flings it down the field :

Oh, yeah:
Team 3

Team Two! :rolleyes:

Intercepting harmless’ pass is Standup Karmic. He does some fancy-dancy little gymnastic floor-exercise-like moves and then sets up his best bowling posture. Step…step…step…rrrooooollllllllllllllllllll.

Team 1

Yeti lets the ball roll up his big flat floot, so he can catch it, waist high. Gives it a lick for good luck, looks for Greenback and gives it a big heave…

Yeti’s heave is intercepted by Zakalwe who promptly smacks himself in the eye while celebrating. The ball is dropped to be picked up by…

Having seen Yeti lick the ball Greenback just stands there looking at it.

I am not touching that

I got it and I’m pretty sure that it’s ok this time! :stuck_out_tongue:
: grabs the ball from Zakalwe and stares at it reverently :