Dopers Speak, Hear Dopers!

Gather round children, I’ve updated Voice of the Teeming Millions. Newly added stars are:

Anahita speaking Farsi

Dragonblink, who encourages us to lie awake at night thinking of her

Eutychus sounding as suave as we all know him to be

Enderw25, comedy man

Galen Ubal who sounds just lovely

Londope – a clip of TwistOfFate being a DJ and Anahita and I laughing a lot

TwistyOfFate and his gorgeous Irish accent

Go, listen and rejoice, then send your own to

I like pork. Does that help?

WAAAAAAY too cool, Fran.

I need to get me some technology to record me own fer ya!

Of course, I could just get you to go out and purchase some of the voice over work I’ve done… ya know…

:smiley: I feel evil.

Hopefully I can participate, too, soon! Hope the project keeps growing!


Really cool. And it looks great too. Whatcha do is you get the People Pages up and then play the voices. It’s like a Dopefest in your pants! Or on your computer.

That was SO MUCH fun. Love Eutychus - “so how you doin?”.

Ah…nothing like a little vanity search to round out the night. I think I’ll bump this. Why? Because I can. Whooo ha ha. ha. ha.

um, that’s all. Carry on.

ah, er, um…

Francesca: I just gave Max the site (controlled by him entirely–I’m a professional web hosting service, he is just another client except he doesn’t have to pay hehe!) for his pictures site… would you like ? An advantage is has over the geocities site is that there are no ads. Also the url is easier to remember and you wouldn’t have a size limit. Just let me know, it only takes a second to set it up and give you FTP access.

And once I stop coughing and find my mic, I’ll be submitting something for you as well.

That would be great thanks Opal. Email on its way.

I shall be adding a couple more voices this evening.

Did you get my email Francesca? I sent it quite awhile ago and never heard anything and am not on the page so maybe you didn’t get it. Please let me know - thanks :slight_smile:

I just sent ya a new MP3 of a song I sing in my band with musicguy on the drums. Let me know if it works!!


I did get it thanks dreamer! I’m just in the middle of transfering the page from geocities to the teemingmillions, so it’ll be up in a couple of days. I’ll be sure to let you know when it’s up.