Really cool. And it looks great too. Whatcha do is you get the People Pages up and then play the voices. It’s like a Dopefest in your pants! Or on your computer.
Francesca: I just gave Max the site (controlled by him entirely–I’m a professional web hosting service, he is just another client except he doesn’t have to pay hehe!) for his pictures site… would you like ? An advantage is has over the geocities site is that there are no ads. Also the url is easier to remember and you wouldn’t have a size limit. Just let me know, it only takes a second to set it up and give you FTP access.
And once I stop coughing and find my mic, I’ll be submitting something for you as well.
Did you get my email Francesca? I sent it quite awhile ago and never heard anything and am not on the page so maybe you didn’t get it. Please let me know - thanks
I did get it thanks dreamer! I’m just in the middle of transfering the page from geocities to the teemingmillions, so it’ll be up in a couple of days. I’ll be sure to let you know when it’s up.