Dopers with Clitoral Piercings

QUT, and my gf’s at UQ so all the good ones are covered :slight_smile:

pffft. QUT. At least it’s not griffith :wink:
First year?

Yep. You?

Same. Bach Inf. Tech/Bach. Sc. What’s are you and your gf doing?

Bach Nursing and she’s in 3rd year Business/Arts… 3rd year exams make 1st year exams look like primary school! :eek:

Oh but they are. I’m finding them hilariously easy. Well compared to what they’re supposed to be like. I think we should quit this now before we attract a mod.

Finals are usually substantially harder, at least they are for me. I don’t know about IT (etc.).

On the other hand, if you have all multiple choice exams, you’re cruising.

2 outta 3 are mc. The third one’s discret mathematics… which you can do in your sleep.

Pfft. You maybe! :slight_smile:

Is it healing as fast as everyone said? Are you still aware of it when you’re out and about?

Hey, I’m doing Nursing, I can honestly say it’s just professional curiosity! Incidentally I can now tell you in nauseating detail what’ll happen if it gets infected…

It’s actually a bit swollen and bruised still, but only on one side.
I don’t really feel it when I’m out and about, only if I’ve just done it with salt water, and no wound likes that! I clean it three times a day.
I can’t feel it right now, so I assume it’s doing alright, the last time I cleaned it it didn’t hurt at all and I was fiddling with it and everything.
I only got it on Monday… so time will tell. But it does seem to be healing nicely. No scabs, pus or anything gross, no bleeding.

Ok, so it’s healing quite nicely, swellings gone down, bruising is pretty much gone, almost no pain. :slight_smile:

Still hoping for before & after pics :stuck_out_tongue:

Well I didn’t take any before photos… and I’m not planning on taking any after photos, so I think you’re outta luck.

In the hospital today, I helped locate a fistula in an old lady’s anus. That picture STILL looks more painful!

I never considered getting a genital piercing until this thread. Now I’m planning on doing it this Sunday! I didn’t like that picture too much though - I think my hood is a little bigger than that. I told my hubbie last night and he’s excited, too!

I forgot to alter it :wally

Marconi & Schmeese, it appears that I have made a success in fighting ignorance. :slight_smile:

It doesn’t really hurt at all now. The swelling’s completely gone, bruising’s completely gone… but it did get the tiniest bit pussy this arvo, but maybe that’s because I forgot to clean it last night and all this morning because I had someone over :wink:

Well, of course it did.

running away

Fire Engine, did you end up with a barbell? I think a ring is easier to start out with (easier to turn to keep clean and to prevent scar tissue from forming) but that’s just my opinion.

I have a curved barbell. I don’t think I’d like a ring, The barbell fits snug betwixt my parts and I can kinda move it up and down to clean the whole lot.
And the barbell looks so much cooler :cool:

I got a CBR with the intention of changing it to a barbell after 3 months but now I love the ring so I’m keeping it. Also, I read a horrible account of someone whose barbell slipped into the top hole - bead and all - and she couldn’t get it out. My stomach was heaving after reading that and it turned me OFF to barbells!

But, um, as long as you like yours, all is well! :wink: :wink: