Dorky State Slogans on Licence Plates

Does ANYONE really care about this. Why do states do it. In Texas, it just used to be Texas. Which says enough. Now they have to put “The Lone Star State,” and if that is not enough, they put a little Texas waving flag image on it. How does this help tourism.

Assuming you are all for slogans, why do some states put the dorkiest slogans, such as “show me state.” I’ve got something to show you, its in my pants. Or scary slogans, such as “LIVE FREE OR DIE.” I really want to visit that state. But not in a car with a Texas or any out of state licence plate.

It’s just another example of meaningless and rather stupid state-patriotism. Like most examples of patriotism it just comes off looking rather childish(we’re the best! yay!) to anyone who doesn’t share the sentiment. (and many who do share it actually)

As it happens, “The Lone Star State” and the “Show Me State” are state nicknames. It is VITAL that this information be provided to the public, so that we (the public) can go on gameshows and win millions of dollars.


If it’s helpful, I’ll compare everyone to Hitler so we can get this
over with as soon as possible.

Is it true that Missouri is the patron state (like patron saint) of skeptics ? Is David B from there ?

Does Texas still require pick-ups and other trucks to sport a plate that says “Texas Truck”? Now that’s really clever. Duh!!! It’s a truck! What’s next–“Oklahoma Car”?

Ask anyone in Texas and they’ll tell you that’s a great idea, cuz Okies are not too sure what it is if its not labled. 'Corse, anyone from Oklahoma will tell you It’s a waste of time putting “Texas Truck” on them, 'cuz Texans can’t read.

Cecil said it. I believe it. That settles it.

Dive, in order to answer your question, I would have to actually look at a truck, and right now I’m refusing to acknowledge their existence except as large chunks of metal.


If it’s helpful, I’ll compare everyone to Hitler so we can get this
over with as soon as possible.

I always liked the Pennsylvania plate with the slogan:

You’ve got a friend in



I once saw a personalized plate which cracked me up:

You’ve got a friend in



For excessive smiley useage:
“Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and orphans! No more merciful beheadings!! And cancel Christmas!!!”

You better have a friend in Pennsylvania because I think there’s only four rest stops in the entire state.


I’m sure you know that the Great State ah Maine, once proudly known as the “Pine Tree State,” officially changed its nick to “America’s Vacationland.”

Is there any more of this pandering to out-of-state dollars in the offing? Will Ohio, the “Buckeye State,” change to “Land of Naked Broads?” Will Alabama, the “Yellowhammer State,” become the “Inexpensive Cocaine State” ?


We were sued by the circus for our “Greatest Snow On Earth” slogan written next to a skier. They lost so our plates remain the same.

I kind of like it.

You better be nice or I’ll sic my lackeys on ya.

It’s always tickled my sense of irony that, on the assumption that New Hampshire license plates are made by prison inmates as is the case in most if not all other states, they must stamp them with the state motto “Live Free or Die” :frowning:

The old “Idaho xxxxxx Famous Potatoes” had all the allure of a Stalinist tractory factory PR release.

Our new, wonderful license plates, which are just a year old, have the cheesy slogan, “South Carolina, Smiling Faces, Beautiful Places,” which is/was our state’s tourism slogan. The plate also features a palmetto tree in the center, of which I have heard it said, “It looks like a green golf ball on a tee.”

One thing to be thankful for is that our last governor, whom I regard as one step above pond scum, did not win out with his chosen plate slogan, which was something like,
“South Carolina, Putting Families First.” This was also one of his campaign slogans! Nothing like free, state-supported political advertising.

George Carlin had a whole rant about plate slogans, comparing NH’s “Live Free or Die!” to Idaho’s (said in dopey voice) “Famous Potatoes”.

I think Colorado had the lead in license plate tourism advertising. They had the mountain range on their white-on-green plates since the 1960’s.

What would Brian Boitano do / If he was here right now /
He’d make a plan and he’d follow through / That’s what Brian Boitano would do.

IIRC, North Carolina used to have as its slogan “First in Freedom,” referring to it’s being the first state to ratify the Declaration of Independence.

Then folks realized that NC had a less than exemplary record on slavery, emancipation, and civil rights. So they decided to recognize the Wright bros. instead, going with “First in Flight.” Go fig.


The best one was a few years ago, when Wisconsin had a contest for their new slogan-some wag wrote in “EAT CHEESE OR DIE”

Andros, states didn’t ratify the Declaration of Independence, I don’t think, and Deleware was the first for the Constitution.

I sold my soul to Satan for a dollar. I got it in the mail.

Dorky license plate slogans are the states’ equivalent of someone billing himself as cooldude on this forum.