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What the hell has happened to my computer? Now, when I type, I watch the little cursor marker move across the screen seemingly by itself, just ahead of some blank space. It lags way behind my typing. Then, a few moments later, the letters show up. When I try to scoll, it moves it fits and starts. Cutting and pasting takes forever.

Have I been infected by an extremely slow virus, or what? It’s driving me nuts.


You know, a Mod’s probably going to come along and bitch slap you for your title, clever as it may be. Sounds like you’ve got something running in the background. Give your PC the ol’ 3 Finger Salute (Ctrl+Alt+Del) to bring up task manager and see what’s running in the background. Start killing things you don’t think should be running and see if that fixes it. If that doesn’t work, then try rebooting your machine. If that doesn’t work, run your anti-virus program. Might also want to defrag your drives and registry as well.

First, my apologies if I scared a mod.

Secondly, I have defragged as well as cntrl-alt-del. I’ve run two virus programs and a cleanup program, too.

Nothing works! I hate this.

Might want to run some of the diagnostic tests over at PC Pitstop. Couldn’t hurt anyway.

No real comment on the OP other than the obvious “well, somethin’s running that must be slowing you down”. I just wanted to offer a big fat thank you to Azael for posting that link. I’ve been looking for a site like that for weeks and haven’t been able to find one.


My guess is you’ve got something running in the background that loads on Startup, which the Task Manager doesn’t address.

Assuming you have some form of Windows?

Proceed with EXTREME CAUTION here.

Click on Start, then Run, then type msconfig in the Open prompt, and it will bring up the System Configuration Utility. Go to the tab marked Startup and peruse it carefully. My bet would be that down towards the bottom of the list there’s something RAM-hungry that is booting itself up and running in the background when you turn your computer on.

What you do is, you unclick it. Now, unclicking it won’t uninstall it from your computer, but it will keep it from running.

Where the “extreme caution” comes in is if you unclick the wrong thing in this Startup menu, your computer won’t run at all, so don’t go hogwild and start unclicking stuff unless you’re absolutely sure what it is.

You could Copy and Paste a list of what’s on there for us to look at and help you figure out what’s running.

Well, I found that I had a homepage hijacker (Data789), and I disabled it, but it hasn’t changed the problem.

This is really frustrating.

I think the title’s funny.

It’s possible your mouse is dirty and needs to be cleaned. That is just one of the indications one can have when their mouse is dirty.

run Regedit and have a look in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run

Usual advice applies; back up registry first, proceed with caution etc…

What is HTTP11SAV, and why do I have 2 of them?

Run MSINFO32. go to software, running programs and it will tell you everything that’s running. You should be able to identify everything you find there. Ctrl-Alt-Del does not give you the whole picture.

This is what it says is running. From some additional research, I gather that WMIEXE.exe isn’t necessary, but is there anything else that should go?

Kernel32.dll 4.10.2222 Microsoft Corporation Win32 Kernel core component C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\Kernel32.dll 4.3 Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
MSGSRV32.EXE 4.10.2222 Microsoft Corporation Windows 32-bit VxD Message Server C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MSGSRV32.EXE 4.0 Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Mprexe.exe 4.10.1998 Microsoft Corporation WIN32 Network Interface Service Process C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\Mprexe.exe 4.0 Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Mstask.exe 4.71.1968.1 Microsoft Corporation Task Scheduler Engine C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\Mstask.exe 4.0 Microsoft® Windows® Task Scheduler
MMTASK.TSK 4.03.1998 Microsoft Corporation Multimedia background task support module C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MMTASK.TSK 4.0 Microsoft Windows
Avsynmgr.exe 6.01.1008.1 Network Associates, Inc. VirusScan Synchronization Service C:\PROGRAM FILES\MCAFEE\MCAFEE VIRUSSCAN\Avsynmgr.exe 4.0 McAfee VirusScan
Vsstat.exe 6.01.1008.1 Network Associates, Inc. VirusScan System Tray C:\PROGRAM FILES\MCAFEE\MCAFEE VIRUSSCAN\Vsstat.exe 4.0 McAfee VirusScan
Vshwin32.exe 6.01.1008.1 Network Associates, Inc. VirusScan System Scan C:\PROGRAM FILES\MCAFEE\MCAFEE VIRUSSCAN\Vshwin32.exe 4.0 McAfee VirusScan
Avconsol.exe 6.01.1008.1 Network Associates, Inc. VirusScan Consol C:\PROGRAM FILES\MCAFEE\MCAFEE VIRUSSCAN\Avconsol.exe 4.0 McAfee VirusScan
Webscanx.exe 6.01.1008.1 Network Associates, Inc. WebScanX C:\PROGRAM FILES\MCAFEE\MCAFEE VIRUSSCAN\Webscanx.exe 4.0 McAfee VirusScan
Explorer.exe 4.72.3110.1 Microsoft Corporation Windows Explorer C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.exe 4.0 Microsoft® Windows NT® Operating System
Taskmon.exe 4.10.1998 Microsoft Corporation Task Monitor C:\WINDOWS\Taskmon.exe 4.0 Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Systray.exe 4.10.2222 Microsoft Corporation System Tray Applet C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\Systray.exe 4.0 Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Qttask.exe C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\Qttask.exe 4.0
Cmgrdian.exe 3.00.1037.0 Network Associates, Inc. McAfee Guardian Agent C:\PROGRAM FILES\MCAFEE\MCAFEE SHARED COMPONENTS\GUARDIAN\Cmgrdian.exe 4.0 McAfee Windows Guardian
Ray.exe C:\Ray.exe 4.0
Stimon.exe 4.10.2222 Microsoft Corporation Still Image Devices Monitor C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\Stimon.exe 4.0 Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Eraser.exe 5.3.5363.0 - Eraser. C:\PROGRAM FILES\ERASER\Eraser.exe 4.0 Eraser
Aoltray.exe 8.00.000 America Online, Inc. AOL Tray Icon C:\PROGRAM FILES\AMERICA ONLINE 8.0\Aoltray.exe 4.0 America Online
Pstores.exe 5.00.1877.3 Microsoft Corporation Protected storage server C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\Pstores.exe 4.0 Microsoft® Windows NT® Operating System
Wmiexe.exe 5.00.1755.1 Microsoft Corporation WMI service exe housing C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\Wmiexe.exe 4.0 Microsoft® Windows NT® Operating System
Aol.exe 8.00.000 America Online, Inc. America Online C:\PROGRAM FILES\AMERICA ONLINE 8.0\Aol.exe 4.0 America Online
Waol.exe 8.00.000 America Online, Inc. AOL C:\PROGRAM FILES\AMERICA ONLINE 8.0\Waol.exe 4.0 America Online
Spool32.exe 4.10.1998 Microsoft Corporation Spooler Sub System Process C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\Spool32.exe 4.0 Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Ddhelp.exe Microsoft Corporation Microsoft DirectX Helper C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\Ddhelp.exe 4.0 Microsoft® DirectX for Windows® 95 and 98
Rnaapp.exe 4.10.2222 Microsoft Corporation Dial-Up Networking Application C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\Rnaapp.exe 4.0 Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Tapisrv.exe 4.10.2222 Microsoft Corporation Microsoft® Windows™ Telephony Server C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\Tapisrv.exe 4.0 Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Msinfo32.exe 4.10.2222 Microsoft Corporation MSInfo32 C:\PROGRAM FILES\COMMON FILES\MICROSOFT SHARED\MSINFO\Msinfo32.exe 4.0 Microsoft System Information
Drwatson.exe 4.03 Microsoft Corporation Dr. Watson for Windows 98 C:\WINDOWS\Drwatson.exe 4.0 Microsoft® Windows® Product Support Tools

could be mcafee. I had a similar sounding problem a while back when using them. It kept trying to do some background scan while I was on. Totally slowed my system. Fixed it by switching to Norton.
Also, check AOL didn’t install something in the background. It has been known to cause system slowdowns.

I thought that it might be McAfee because I was getting an “Insufficient Memory” hangup with each startup. I found a fix for it online, and that problem was solved—but I’m still having the same typing lag/jerky scroll problems.

Compare your start up items (and the list you posted above) with the exhaustive list at :


It will tell you what is critical, what you need and what you don’t.

Also try running some of these apps to clean up your system:


Please be careful while using these applications. Backup critical files before attempting to edit your registry settings, startup items, etc.

Worst case try re-installing your OS on top of your current installation. Not sure if it’ll work in your case, but it does help sometimes when Windows screws up.

If you’re running Adaware (which is good, BTW), you might try Spybot, too. It’s what I use. It’s free, and it works. Some spyware will clog up your RAM, so maybe that’s it.

Download Spybot here.

What is Kernel32? It keeps causing errors on my PC and I have to reboot? (Sorry for coattailing, Rysdad.)

From this list, it says Kernel32 is a bad thing.