Dr. Dopers - any new Chemo treatments that DON'T cause hairloss?

Well, the title pretty much says it all.

Are there any new treatments (injected, perhaps) that don’t cause hair loss?

A new type of drug or something?

try Essiac tea. I’ve heard great things about it, and I gave some to my mom when she got cancer, but I can’t vouch for it myself. It’s not a product, it’s a recipe, just in case you’re wary of marketing.


When my father was treated for cancer, he underwent chemo and had no hair loss. I suspect it has to do with the nature of the cancer – different types of cancer require different courses of treatment drugs. His left him with his thick, bushy head of hair (though it had dreadful side effects on his psoriasis).

(Unfortunately for him, his cancer was extremely resistant to any form of treatment.)

As Eats Crayons notes, it depends on the type of treatment, which depends on the type of cancer. For most cancers, picking a treatment which doesn’t cause hair loss is not an option, but for a few it is.

Any treatment which kills off rapidly dividing cells (like cancer cells) will target the hair follicles also, so they’re collateral damage. As is the intestinal lining, which is why so many chemo and radiation regimens cause such horrible diarrhea.

Name the specific type of cancer being treated, and you’ll have better luck finding out if there’s an effective treatment which might spare hair.


Ovarian and Kidney(?).

FYI - it’s not me that has the cancer lest anyone panic. (Well, not that you would, 'cus you don’t know me, but you know what I’m saying.)

Is it primary ovarian cancer that spread to the kidney, or it it an unknown primary cancer with metastases to the kidney? And what is the cell type?

Treatment regimens generally require very specific info about the type of cancer, its stage, the absence or presence of surface receptors on the cell, etc. before a plan is set up.


Primary ovarian spread to the kidney.

Cell type? Can you elaborate?

Looks like the mainstay of therapy will inevitably cause hair loss.

Here’s a good reputable clearinghouse site on the disease:

Good luck!

My friend had colon cancer, then liver cancer and now lung cancer. He wa operated three times and had chemotherapy sessions after each time and he never lost his hair. (Sadly it seems his days are counted though.)

I’m not a doctor (nor do I play one on TV) but I know 2 people, one with lung and one with colon cancer that suffered no ill effcts from the chemo, but the guy with colon cancer said that he was told some people do not suffer the usual reactions to the therapy. But the best bet would be to speak to a physician then get a few more opinions, preferably in other cities.

Well, try to look on the bright side. Sometimes the hair grows back with the Chemo Curl!

Seriously, if I had cancer I’m not sure hair loss would be my big priority - I’d be worry about my GI tract! No, really seriously, I don’t know why you asked this question, Alice, but I hope everything has a good outcome.