I have an unnatural love for Dr Pepper. To the tune of paying for imported cans of it at $3/can because it’s no longer on the market here.
My husband tells a tale of a cocktail he had once that tasted exactly like Dr Pepper. He had it while he was in the States and thinks it was at TGI Friday’s. But he’s not sure.
It’s reputed to not have any actual Dr Pepper in it, but to taste exactly like the stuff. I’ve found a couple of recipes online that involve such things as Amaretto and Southern Comfort, but I’m not sure if they’re what he was talking about. I’d like to know if I’ve got the right recipe before I go out and spend $40 on booze.
Fill a shot glass 3/4 with amaretto, then fill the rest with Bacardi 151. Fill a cup halfway with your favorite American lager. If you are making a lot of them, line up the beer glasses and balance all but one of the shots on the rims of two glasses. Light the shots on fire, then use the free shot to domino the rest into the beer glasses.
Much excitement and broken glasses will ensue.
EDIT - It’s a favorite among the collegiate crowd here.
sinusoidal is right. I refused to believe it was really going to taste like Dr. Pepper but it did. It’s not something you sit around and sip, though. You slam it, and with that 151 in there you don’t slam too many of them. I don’t know for sure if it would retain the taste if you just drank it like you would a soda, but for some reason I doubt it.
This probably isn’t it, but if you mix Jagermeister and Code Red Mt. Dew, it tastes close enough to Dr. Pepper that I couldn’t tell the difference! (Wacky hijinks involving penis definitely ensued after that little mix-up!)
FWIW the very first Long Island Ice Tea I was served was so well concocted that I had a hard time believing that it was alcoholic.
Then I tried to stand up after my third one.