Dragonfly98, if anyone has been just beggin for a pitting, it's you

No, I don’t think he does know that. Nor do I think he can know that. That was my earlier point. He’s flyin’ outside the loop, and can’t process information quite like the rest of us.

But I’d WAG that he votes. If you can be registered in CA with a van for an address.

Bwahahaahahahahahah! Oh, the irony!

P.S. Why on earth do you doubt that I’m a vegetarian? Because I’m not ganging up with you to accuse everyone else of being a murderer?

Ok. Here are Miller’s two posts in this thead prior to your accusation of threatening you:

So please, then, show me where he directly addressed you OR made a threat. Yes, one of us is a fuckwit, but it ain’t me.

Well, I for one feel quite utterly defeated by dragonfly’s superior intellect and debating skills.


[wags tail and drops dragonfly’s slippers at his feet]

[looks up, in hopes of a doggie treat]

[poos on carpet]

Great. Another obnoxious asshole feigning superiority.

May I just step in here and say that we vegetarians would like to disavow any knowledge of this idiot? If you guys could cook and eat him, it’d really help us out, thanks.

No, no, carrot, no can do.

You are offering us tainted meat.

First of all, I never said you committed a crime. Did anybody? And what am I supposed to look in the mirror at? Frankly, my comments to you were a hell of a lot nicer than than the various insults you’ve slathered everyone in this thread with.

Fair enough, but you’ve got to admit what you wrote in your diary could certainly lead someone to believe that you were. The line “As i am about to hit rock bottom as far as living conditions go, i will start to post more often what my activities are, and what i eat.” sure sounds pretty clear. Plus, I mean, dude, you’re homeless. Even if you’re getting day labor and aren’t starving, you’d have a much easier time saving up for an apartment deposit or something if you weren’t eating pricey organic foods.

No, but an animal is not a human being. If you’re going to equate the two in this way, then I’d consider it more than fair to ask you why you refuse to eat animals despite the fact that many of them are carnivorous themselves.

I have perused this thread for the last couple of days and I, too, think we may be dealing with a very special type here. I think the synaptic lapses may have become a little long for our friend DF98. That being said, this is the first time I can recall someone trying to explain their views using a “the means justify the end” rationale.

As part of the teeming masses, I want to call on DF98 to explain how he reconciles the enviornmental destruction of agriculture, and his passive participation therein, with his uncompromising assertions concerning the sanctity of all animal (only?) life.

Human beings have always had a profound impact on the enviornment and IMO, anyway, the best we can do is to attempt to mitigate the profundity through increasing awareness of and concern for our actions and their consequences in the long and short term.

BTW, Scylla, thank you for elucidating your philosophy of hunting. While I am not a hunter, I have know a rare few, such as yourself, who hunt for reasons other than to have a big dead animal head on the wall. Your remarks were truly appreciated and helpful; you have stamped out a little piece of ignorance over my way.

I think Bugnorton, that most of us who hunt, (and you’ll find that I express this view in the ‘Can anyone support sport hunting?’ thread) don’t do so to have an animal’s head on our wall.

I hunt because that is what I evolved to do. I am a human animal, a part of nature, a part which spent many thousands of years as an omnivorous creature. I hunt animals who are neither poor nor defenseless. I hunt deer, who have evolved as a prey animal with a very well honed defense system. I hunt deer in their natural habitat, in which they are at home and I am not, in which they can hear, see and smell me coming without me ever knowing they are there, in which they can run faster than me and jump higher than me.

Sometimes they win, and I go home without meat. Sometimes I win, and I go home with meat. Either way, I respect them as my adversary.

I think you’d find that there are more hunters who respect the land and the animals than there are hunters who don’t. It’s just that, unfortunately, the ones who don’t make a hell of a lot more noise.

I know it’s not really fair, but I find it a hell of a lot easier to respect the many vegetarians and vegans I have known over the years when they say their diet is their personal choice, rather than using it to tell me that my preference for fried chicken and the occasional ham sandwich = MURDRER!!!#211123141!!

Especially because, in my experience, the MUDER!!!KY`1!423 people are incredibly incoherent.

This thread is SO not helping prove me wrong.

I’m actually a little concerned about dragonfly. I don’t think he’s smart enough to be a vegan. While it is certainly possible to eat a healthy, complete diet that does not consist of any animal matter, it takes a certain amount of planning and forethought to make sure you’ve found a suitable replacement for all the nutrients you’d normally get through eating meat. Based on his posts here, I don’t think dragonfly is intellectually capable of doing that. Poor little moron is likely to starve himself to death on an all-tofu diet.

Miller, are you threatening him again?!!


I just had a nice long slab of boneless meat for dinner. In that meal I had a large baked potato and an ear of corn, as well as a tall glass of milk. On my corn and potato I slathered on butter, and in my potato I sprinkled a large amount of bacon bits into it.

Fear me, you pusillanimous sack of crap Mother Earth. This is a personal war, and I will win for I am your end.

I should have read the rest of the thread, but I didn’t…like a dumbass…

Anyhow, it’s one thing to believe in what you believe, it’s another thing entirely to be an ass about it.

Hell, I live a mostly vegetarian (not VEGAN God Forbid) lifestyle. I love meat but getting a good cut of meat that hasn’t been injected with hormones and antibiotics is an expensive move.

However, people that have no sense enough to understand that in many cultures, outside their own misguidance, meat is a huge staple in their diet. Northern cultures have subsisted off meat, seafood and other such forms during the winter months when vegies aren’t available.

People that think that a primary diet of animal muscle is sad, it’s okay with me. What bugs me are the assholes that have only one view of the situation and offer little to the debate than saying people who hunt (most everyone I know hunts to suppliment the family food) are stupid and have no morals need a good lesson in life.

My cat is carnivorous. My rat is carnivorous…Hell, I eat meat once in a while…I prefer to have buffalo as it’s better for you than chicken even…

But I can tell you that I know NO persons that hunt for sport. They hunt (and I have many) for food, not to be criminals.

A ten dollar hunting license can net a family of four several months of meat. A source of protien that is important to our diet. Heck I probably don’t get enough of animal protein.

I always get a kick out of what this guy has to say.


For the love of Bog, won’t someone please think of the brocolli!!!

I was going to have the 18 oz. prime rib last night at the steakhouse, but I remembered this thread, and wanted to do my part to save the world.

So I only had the 14 oz. prime rib. And I had the cream of wild rice soup instead of the ham and bean. The wild rice soup did have little pieces of chicken in it, though, but I think it was less than the ham.

The wheat breat was vegetarian, but I’m pretty sure I could taste the rabbits that were crushed in the harvesting process. At least, I used it to mop up the rest of the au jus.

Then, of course, meat-flavoured beer to wash it all down.


And you should talk! :slight_smile:

Actually Miller i’m not dumb enough to be an omni.

BTW “it wasn’t a threat just ask my friends” Miller, don’t your remarks belong in the category known as low brow, spiteful and totally irrelevant "ad hominem remarks? Just wondering.

i do think of the brocolli, and i think it tastes pretty damn good.

To all the other half-assed fuckwits, doomsayers and naysayers: Read my Disclaimer.

That’s MISTER “it wasn’t a threat you illiterate fucktard” Miller to you, pal.