So, in Great Debates there was a debate going on about the morality of sport hunting. It was a bit heated, but generally civil.
Then dragonfly98 reared his ugly head. In his first post alone, he manages to call hunters ‘moral cowards,’ ‘homocidal maniacs,’ and ‘insane.’ He makes no debate, just these type statements.
He gets called on his statements (by several people including me). Most of those who called him to task for his comments were the same people who were questioning the morality of huinting in the first place, that is, people who are more likely to be on his side (including me). We may partially agree with him, but can’t stomach his rudeness and over-the-top statements.
His next post is a bit bizarre, saying that those who oppose his statements (even if they agree with his general point of view) are “nothing more than a pretended apologist for those that are omnivores/meat eaters and you are using the suffering of poor defenseless creatures to justify the wholesale slaughter of animals for human consumption.”
He then says we aren’t listening to his arguments because he is a “veg*n” (don’t know why he left out the letter).
In his next post he calls me morally deficient and insane. Then it gets better, he says “the problem is your pathetic ego-centric grandstanding and of course a pronounced lack of any real insight”
I didn’t even bother to include all of his insults and blather. He doesn’t debate, just makes assertation and insults those who question them.
Check out his web site It links to another web site in which he claims to be a homeless person who recently (10 days ago) converted to being a vegan. I guess there’s no convert like a new convert.
Listen dragonfly. I don’t care that you are a vegan (or veg*n). You can eat whatever you like. I don’t care if you think sport hunting is cruel. If you do, give your reasons, tell us how you came to that conclusion, give some cites, debate!
Don’t be an asshole.