A note to the "Foodists" (aka Veggie Nazis)

Quoting from The Great Dalmuti, but only because he phrased it most succinctly:

Several other veggie nazis have let their voices be heard on this board, and it’s getting old.

  1. Adding the disclaimer that you’re not trying to start a fight doesn’t detract from the fact that you’re trying to start a fight.

  2. Different stuff works for different people. After three years of vegetarian eating, and three years of feeling like shit, I gave it up. Yes, I used all the approved food combinations. Legumes and whole grains, lots o’ green leafies, and a good multivitamin. I felt like shit. I added eggs and milk, and I felt a little better. I added fish, and I felt a little better than that. I added a nice juicy T-bone, and felt great. If you feel good eating like that, more power to ya’. I gotta say, though, that most of the vegans I know look like they feel like shit. They get sick a lot too.

  3. I work in Boulder, Colorado - home of the Ford Exorbitant with the “Love your Mother” bumper sticker. I’m sick-n-freakin’ tired of goddamn hypocrites telling me how I should live. (Insert comment about your favorite outspoken religious leader here).

To sum up: Save your fights for the BBQ Pit, and leave my dead, bleeding animal flesh alone.

Save the soybean!

Poor Jon. Poor, poor Jon.

So your response to people having a go at you for what you eat is… to have a go at people for what they eat.

There’s a word for that kind of behaviour. It begins with “hyp”, but it’s got nothing to do with being cool.


Hi pan/kabbes. Thanks for your reply. Please let me know what part of my rant indicates that I’m “[having] a go at people for what they eat”.

My intent was to say: 1) leave my food choices alone (and eat what makes you feel good), and 2) use the BBQ Pit (rather than IMHO or Great Debates) as the forum in which to pick fights.

I look forward to your response letting me know what part of my OP wasn’t clear.

Unless you just feel threatened for some reason, and are lashing out at the nearest target…? :wink:

Jon, Poor, poor Jon

hey hey hey there.

Let the Vegans and Veggaterians eat what they want.

<whisper> The fewer people who eat meat the lower the demand so prices go down which means the rest of us can eat MORE meat.

Mmmmm more meat.

Try making vegan pizzas for people :confused:

I worked at a papa murphy’s pizza place for a few summers… Every few weeks a woman would come in and order a pizza will no meat, cheese and all of the veggies we had.

I never hard the heart to tell her that black olives aren’t vegan. (At least ours werent)

If that isn’t a backhander, I don’t know what is.

And no, I have no reason to feel threatened. I’m not any kind of vegetarian at all.


Small clue here: the post you’re referring to was posted in Great Debates. One could gather by the name of the board that it’s not a happy-joy-supportive place where everything is OK with everyone else. What it means is that you use well-reasoned arguments to discuss and debate issues, without resorting to ad hominem attacks or vulgarity.

This being the case, why the fuck are you getting your panties in a bundle because someone happens to pose some questions about diet choices? Especially because, quite possibly, maybe he was only just curious but figured it would provoke a huge debate merely by asking the question; I fail to see any great harm in examining one’s own motives and reasoning behind this behavior/preference. The Pit is not intended for all arguments, regardless of your opinion on the subject.

And I have to laugh about vegetarians being the “foodists” - people of all sorts of eating habits are perfectly capable of being intolerant and proselytizing about how you should eat. I’ve had people tell me I’m eating an unhealthy diet as an ovo-lacto vegetarian, even going so far try to slip me animal-based broths or meat into my food because it’s “good” for me, even though I vomited because I was unable to digest those proteins. Some people knowingly push milk products on the lactose intolerant, tell diabetics that “a little piece” of some dessert won’t hurt them. Others promote the latest book-promoted diet (Zone, Atkins, etc.) as being The Way to Eat and you’re being foolish/unhealthy/going against the natural order of things if you don’t conform.

BTW, I’m non-proselytizing; I even go so far as to cook meat and wild game for my husband, who hunts. This is my choice on how to eat. However, it doesn’t mean that I don’t find the topic of why one makes the choices that they do to be a worthless subject to discuss, should people choose to. I don’t bring up the topic in person, but on a message board, you’re free to skip any threads on the subject if you find them so objectionable.

It’s getting “old”? Dude, you’ve been here maybe a month. If this is rant-worthy let’s hope nobody ever looks at you wrong;)

[sub]Waiting for pldennison to rip you a new one re: veggie nazi. Haven’t seen him lose an omnivore-herbivore debate yet.[/sub]

Oh, and considering that both the poster of the OP and the poster referred to in the OP evoked Godwin’s Law (bringing up Nazis as a point of comparison), this is all pretty pointless anyway. :stuck_out_tongue: I skimmed the gigantic thread and was disappointed at the direction that the referenced-poster took, but Jon did say he was only bringing up that as one example.

I’ve stopped worrying about the vegetarian/vegan/carnivore issue.

There’s something much much worse that we all need to work together to combat.


Most of the vegetarians I know look like they feel great, really, but I’m sure I’m only seeing it that way because I know they are veggies.

(for the record, I’m not a vegetarian, couldn’t possibly be, but I’ll welcome the chance to eat with one; the food that my vegetarian friends cook is really very good; I believe this is because they put a lot more thought into what they eat.).

Gotcha kabbes/pan. No backhander intended.

To make this more clear: I’ve known bunches o’ veggie-tarians, in a wide variety of the most common types (the attitude I liked best was a guy that wasn’t against killing, but he wouldn’t eat anything that came from a stockyard. Wild game was fine).

I’ve known several very healthy ova-lactic vegetarians. I’ve noticed that women (in a gross over-generalization) do better than men as vegetarians. I don’t know if this is 'cause they’re smarter than us as far as food choices, or if it’s because the estrogen-supporting properties of soy have a negative effect on some males.

I’ve known several vegans, too. I’ll be a little nicer than I was in my OP: most of 'em look like Chrissie Hynde (although my post says that “They look like they feel like shit”. I make no claims that I know how they actually feel). I’ve known one vegan that was active, healthy, and didn’t stay home sick a lot. His diet obviously worked for him, and I would never try to force him to eat meat, or to convince him that it was healthier for him. Or anyone for that matter.

And I agree whole-heartedly with CRorex’s supply/demand idea. By all means, avoid the steaks!

*Originally posted by iampunha *
**It’s getting “old”? Dude, you’ve been here maybe a month. If this is rant-worthy let’s hope nobody ever looks at you wrong;)

:smiley: Yeah, ok. Not even a month. I have a short attention span, and I get impatient really quickly.

Must be all the hormones they inject into the cattle :wink:

DeniseV, in my vast, 3-week experience on this board (see above comment), I have actually gotten the picture that Great Debates isn’t all peace-love-harmony. If the sole point of the post, however, is to pick a fight, I thought it would look better here (I’m all about feng shui!). I fully accept that others may think that it looks better over there, and that, by posting in the BBQ Pit, I’ve opened myself up for a nice flaming too.

The sole reason that critter was living in the first place was to satisfy my hunger! He/she/it was bred, born, raised to become a tasty veal dish just for me! He/she/it should thank me for the opportunity to slake my hunger on it’s tender flesh, for if it were not for me, it would have never tasted the air!

I’m gonna go out and eat a massive plate of ribs (beef AND pork) for lunch! NO! I’m going to Kahn’s Mongolian Grill, where I can eat beef, pork, chicken, lamb, crab, lobster and oysters!

My husband’s pleased with it - all the more meat for him. :smiley:

I skimmed the thread referenced in the OP so I’m not entirely certain what that poster’s intent was; however, picking out as an example the post where he/she compared animal slaughter to Nazi death camps (or something to that effect) would have looked more convincing. To my way of thinking, that’s a pretty ugly comparison to make - even if you feel that the organized breeding and slaughter of animals on a mass scale is extremely cruel and barbaric, making that kind of analogy wins few converts.

ROFL… I think it’s a Boulder thing. I, too, live in the area, and the sheer numbers of idiotic left wing hypocrites who look like they’ve got one foot in the grave but insist that their vegan diet is healthy and delicious in this area will cause anyone with half a brain to go on a rant. Now, I’m not getting down on vegans as a whole - I, too, have known some healthy vegans - but there’s just something about this area that attracts people who just don’t have a clue. They’ll stand there after taking 3-4 sick days a month for a year, with their hair and skin looking grey and sallow, and insist that they’re healthy. Bah.

That’s not to say that you can’t have a healthy vegan diet. But there’s plenty of people who do it wrong, and their health suffers as a consequence. Pasty, wan individuals proselytizing on street corners about the benefits of veganism are common sights in Boulder. You gotta see it to believe it!


I know many many vegetarians (I know, I know; a pile of anecdotes doth not a statistic make) who are very healthy people. They also look healthy. I think if you’re really trying to say that vegetarians are less healthy than meat-eating folks, then you should leave off. If, though, you’re saying that vegetarians shouldn’t insist that their diet is more healthy, then I might agree with you. I’ve never heard more than anecdotal evidence that either type of diet is more/less healthy.

Oh, and a slight hijack here in regards to the quote in the OP:

I think the thing here is that people who eat meat have a moral system which allows killing of animals for food. I justify it because I don’t think it’s “wrong,” just as a vegetarian (who is so because of moral issues) thinks it’s immoral because he or she feels it is “wrong.”

Of course, you’ve all considered the obvious idea that there may be plenty of healthy people out there who happen to be vegans or vegetarians but you have no way of knowing this fact, since they do not have a large “V” tattooed on their forehead.

You’re only going to notice the pasty, proselytizing vegetarians. That’s because you have no way of spotting the healthy, quiet ones. That makes this particular generalization even more stupid than most.

As it happens, most people in the west eat way way too much meat - particularly red meat - and get nowhere near the recommended five portions of fresh fruit or veg per day. I’d say that the average vegetarian (particularly as they are self-selected as a group who thinks about what they eat) is far more likely to avoid this particular pitfall and will be more not * less* healthy as a consequence.

I suggest those of you laughing at the “pasty” vegetarians want to start tending your own gardens first.


Sheesh, kabbes, you’ll notice I said:


I’m just saying that there ARE pasty, wan, unhealthy vegans out there. I didn’t say they were ALL that way, in fact, I went out of my way to say they weren’t all that way. Methinks you’re reading what you want to read, not what I’m actually saying.

Ein Volk!

Ein Reich!

Ein Abendessen!!