Dream interpretation of real-life noises


My dream the night before last apparently involved me and a bunch of other Muggle people, protecting Harry Potter, because he needed to dream about Voldemort’s approach, which ended up with us all holed up in a friend’s house. Then Harry, sitting by the window, dreamed about Draco Malfoy stepping off a yellow school bus with a bunch of little school kids, outside the house, and carrying a very large box and heading towards our door with an evil leer on his face. The friend’s father ran to slam the door shut just as the box dropped on the doorstep and a werewolf attacked.

In the dream we all stood around motionless, frozen with fear, as the werewolf howled at the door. It was a deeply bone-chilling noise–snarling, rasping, growling, vicious… almost metallic and buzzy?

Then someone screamed 'the basement door!" and we ran to lock the other doors and then I woke up.

My first thought upon awaking: ‘’…the hell was that all about?"

My second thought: “What was that noise from the werewolf? I’ve never heard anything like that before in my life…”

My third thought: “You know, if my dreams aren’t going to make sense, can I at least have a naked Hugh Jackman like the last time?”
Today, I went to reset my alarm clock / radio because the timer was off. As I fiddled with the switch and tuned the station, a burst of hoarse garbled static crackled through the room. I stared at it for a moment, then suddenly went ‘oh!’

The howling werewolf was me, half-awake, dozing through my alarm clock. :smack:
What noises in real-life have you interpreted weirdly in your dreams?

You have dreams like that?

While I walk sheepishly around work without pants?

I thought I had a dream in which I wasn’t weating pants at work.

I think we all know how that ends.

With me having to carry around a towel to sit on in everyone’s chair at work, that’s how.

Just before Buncefield blew, I was dreaming. Then there was a “Wake the F*** up RIGHT NOW” element and I woke up. Unfortunately, I can’t remember the details.

I constantly incorporate sounds from the outside world into my dreams. One of the memorable ones recently happened when I took a nap. I dreamed my cellphone was ringing and kept trying to turn it off - to the point of removing the battery, but it kept ringing and ringing. Eventually I woke up to realize that I was hearing the radio, and interpreting the sound as my ringtone.

First : I’m trying to talk to some sci-fi queen in a chrome bikini, in a throne room filled with gadgets. One keeps beeping loudly, and I keep raising my voice louder and louder - then I wake up, and it’s my alarm.

Second : I’m an Intrepid Explorer, complete with pith helmet, and a cartoon character. I fall off a cliff, I fall and fall - then I HIT, with a loud BOOM. I wake up to a thunderclap, and there’s a thunderstorm on.

Did you turn the thunderstorm off and go back to sleep?
I had an identical dream to Calvin. I dreamt that I woke up, brushed my teeth and went off to the bus, only to wake up as I was just leaving the door.

My husband claims to have incorporated the sound of the alarm through which he was sleeping into his dream as the alarm in the hatch on the television show Lost. He also incorporated his half-waking knowledge of needing to pee really bad as trying to convince all the castaways that someone needed to enter the code and press the button on the computer to stop the alarm, but all the castaways were running about looking for a private place to take a leak.

He’s a weird and wonderful man.

I’ve gone a bit more into detail with my dreams.

When I was younger I would listen to the radio while I slept. My alarm clock was awsome back then and I wish I hadn’t left it in PA when I lived there - it had a sleep function for the radio so that you could have the radio on for a specific amount of time, up to three hours, and then it would shut off automatically so you could hear the alarm portion go off in the morning. I would always leave the radio on for three hours and go to sleep.

Then one night I had a dream, and suddenly in the dream, I was making a music video of some sort, like, filming it, and it was a song I had barely heard before, but I know now is “I Choose” by the Offspring. Like, the dream was totally normal, and then suddenly my brain picked that song and I heard the opening chords and started the part where I was making a music video. To the best of my knowledge the video involved a lot of chasing.

Anyway, I woke up about three quarters of the way through the song and realized where the music was coming from and was like “WTF?” there was literally no skip in the music because my brain had just opened my ears or something. It was weird.

That kinda shit happens to me ALL THE TIME.


… and how come the noise in the dream always seems to happen before it happens in real life and work seemlessly into the storyline???

I’ve always wondered that, too…these elaborate plots that seem to unfold over dream weeks or days, all hinging on the snippet you hear on the radio when the alarm goes off.

Once I dreamed about bacon cooking in a pan and when I woke up I realized that sound was rain falling.