Drive carefully when you transport paint in a car. This guy wishes he did.

:stuck_out_tongue: The poor guy & his dog. :slight_smile: What a mess.

That cars interior and upholstery will have to be totally stripped out and replaced.

This guy has a way with words.

Oh man.

As an artist, I am appalled, yet strangely intrigued. It could have been worse though. If it had been red and blue paint, they would have been marooned!

I’m guessing it’s totaled. Looks like an older vehicle, probably not worth more than a few thousand at the most. Less than it would cost to replace the entire interior and repack the airbags, etc.

The firefighters cleaned up the dog.

Heart. warmed.

A Doper had that happen a few years ago. It was only one color of paint though. They did post pictures.

For years I followed a long, long, long paint trail in the road, evidently left when some idiot had a large container of paint tip over in the bed of his truck. You could see where the paint started leaking, judge his speed by the width of the splatter, see where he braked, and tell where he stopped for stop signs and lights. It must have been two miles long - and while it lasted, bright orange.

It’s always occurred to me that the Oh Shit face when the driver got out of the truck must have been one for the ages.

A semi trailer transporting white glue in a plastic lined gaylord on a pallet, was loaded by a forklift driver that punctured the gaylord with a fork. It arrived at my terminal after hours on the road. Let’s just say it was lucky it hadn’t set up on the truck floor yet. It was starting to drip out the back. From a search it looks like they hold over 300 gallons.

I red that and it made me blue.


The part of the article quoted in the OP says “multiple gallons”…I’m counting 60 gallons in the picture if all those buckets were full.

That’s a few more then “a couple of cans of paint” that I think most people picture when they hear “multiple gallons”. is a less severe version.
And even milder.

From the article: “Once back in the pink, man and pet will be reunited, police said.”

I see what they did there.

“You’ve forgotten the brushes, Gromit…!”

You’re coming dangerously close to activating my violet tendencies! :mad:


Did you blue yourself?

With what, a fire hose?

That poor man is probably wishing it were all just a pigment of his imagination.

Why would anyone put cans of paint inside the vehicle with them? Put that shit in the trunk!

Orange’a a little late with that good advice? :smiley:

I’d imagine they have a setting lower then “Crowd Control”.