Dumbass, Rope, Sex with Asians

Just a couple of incidents from yesterday:

When my daughter spills something or otherwise creates choas we usually tell her “Don’t make a mess.” She repeats this back to us as “Don’t mess.” or “Doe-mass,” as she sees it.

They met me for lunch yesterday, along with my mother. My motehr spills her drink.

“Doe-mass!” yells my daughter.

My mother hears “Dumbass!” and is all offended that we would teach her such a word.

She doesn’t beleive us, so I ask my daughter to say “froggie.”


Now she believes.

I climb a half inch rope tied to rafter as part of my workout. Hands only. Last night my wife is watching me and talking while I work out in the barn. I hate this as it’s distracting, potentially dangerous, and always gives a bad workout.

But she wants to talk, so there we are.

“I bet I can climb that.” she says.


“What’ll you give me if I can?”

“Whatever you want.”

“A-ha! so you don’t think I can?”


“I get to use my legs.”

“Sure, but you have to tap the rafter at the top, or it doesn’t count.”

She looks at it. It’s only about 20-25 feet. Doesn’t look like much, but when you’re part way up and clinging to a half inch natural fiber rope, it’s a different story.

“One hour backrub?” she asks.

“Ok, but if you can’t do it, I get the sex massage. (don’t even ask,)”

“Ok,” she says. “It’s a bet.”

“One thing,” I say by way of warning. “No matter what you do, don’t slide down the rope. You must lower yourself. It doesn’t have anything to do with the bet, but if you slide the rope will burn your hands and legs badly.”

Now she looks worried. That’s just what I wanted. Besides, it’s true.

She climbs up about ten feet, and hangs there.

“I thought this would be like the rope in High School.”

“No,” I say. “Thinner makes it much harder.”

“Errrr. ::grunt grunt:: ::Snort::”

She gets about another foot.

“I can’t do it,” she whines petulantly.

“I know,” I say, thinking sex massage.

She tries to lower herself, but as soon as she takes one hand off the rope she starts to slide.

“Owwww!” She gets her grip back, and hangs there.

“I’m stuck!”

“Yes. Isn’t it fun? If you try to lower yourself you start to slide, if you just hang there, your grip will lose it’s strength and you’ll start to slide anyway. It’s quite the conundrum. You better do something soon though, you look like you’re weakening fast.”

“Help me.”

Right now she’s about five feet off the ground. Her butt is about my face level. There’s hay on the floor.

“Let go, and drop,” I suggest.

“Help Meeee!” She slides another foot.

“Ok, why don’t you just put your feet on the ground?”

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!” she screams as she lets go of the rope.

She falls about two inches to the ground.

I also learned yesterday (unrelated) that when Japanese people have sex, they don’t say “I’m coming.” They say “I’m going.”

Therefore, you should beware of having sex with Japanese people. You won’t know whether you’re coming or going.

Wait…am I reading this right? Scylla, you actually WON a competition with your wife? Make sure to remember this. It seems like a rare enough event to be special.

[sub]Of course, after a “sex massage,” who could FORGET it?[/sub]

You know, that last part reminded me of a comedienne I saw once, at a USO show.

She was saying that she was dating a foreigner, and that he spoke english, but was missing a few nuances. For instance, she said he came up to her once night, and said, “Hello, baby. Let us make love. I will make you arrive.”

Give us a hint… were you able to collect your “massage” right away, or do you need to wait for the rope burns to heal?

More importantly…

Did she make you go?

As a father of four children (the oldest is seven - - you do the math), you can somewhat guage how far I’ve fallen by the fact I’m commenting on the toddler-speak and not on the sex massage or international words for orgasm parts of this post.

We are blessed with a nice-sized back courtyard for people living in an old house in New Orleans. In said courtyard are two benches. As the hours between 4:00 and 6:00 often include our offspring bouncing off the walls, we’re often out back in the afternoons. They play; Mrs. Ivorybill and I sit on the benches (if we’re lucky). We’ve warned my mother that if the two-year-old pats one of them and declares “Sit bitch!” he really means “Sit bench.” [sub]Or at least I hope he does.[/sub]

Only you could pull off posting a variety of stories that all leave me giggling hysterically in only one thread. Your powers amaze me Scylla.

When my now-four-year-old daughter was learning to speak, one of the words she had trouble with was “button.” The way she said it, it came out “bussit,” which to someone who did not know what she was saying, sounds an awful lot like “bulls***.” Shortly after she learned this word, she spent the night with my dad & his wife, and I warned them about this. They didn’t believe me, either, until the Dianasaur climbed up into Grandma’s lap, started fiddling with the buttons on her shirt, and said “bussit!” several times. Grandma just said “whoa, that really does sound bad!”

They believe now, too. :smiley:

When my son was about two, he was having trouble pronouncing the “t” sound. So whenever he saw his father pull up he’d yell. “It’s Daddy’s fruck!” When he got excited, the “r” sound dropped entirely.

The look on my mother’s face was priceless the first time she heard him announce Grandpa was home in his truck.

Ah, to hear the soft, out-of-their-minds-with passion sweet murmurings in Japanese from a boy I’m… well, enjoying his company.



[sup]I was once a child that hada baggie full of “ass” from Mt. Saint Helens…damn linguistics[/sup]

Good job on the bet, Scylla!

Once when I was a teen, my sister came visiting with her toddler in tow. My niece had the cutest stuffed animal with her. I started playing with it and noticed the tag said “Funky Monkey”. I commented how cute that was and my sister informed me that they just called it “Monkey” because when my niece said “Monkey” it sounds like “Mucky” so we didn’t need the “Funky” in front of it. I thought that was the funniest thing I’d ever heard at the time.

My oldest has never been a bashful child. When eating out in restaurants she’d flag down a server herself rather than telling her parents when she needed something. One day before she had learned to pronounce her r’s properly yet, she dropped her fork. She started yelling, “I need a fooooork” only it didn’t sound like “fork”. The restaurant went silent. It was the only time in my life, being the shy person I am, I’ve ever announced to a room full of strangers anything. I made sure anyone within hearing distance knew she was asking for a new fORk. I was mortified.

I’m told there was a period–maybe 150 years ago–when English speakers used “I’m going” to refer to an orgasm. I actually think the “going” idiom makes at least as much sense as the “coming” one–probably more.

foolsguinea, font of trivia

I once baby sat for a child that replaced the whole ‘tr’ with f, and yes, got so excited about the fire engine “look at the fuck look at the fuck”

A few years ago, I gave my (then 3 year old) neice a little orange bendy monkey, where the dye kinda got darker around the mouth, so it looked like it was wearing lipstick, she grabbed her belly in laughter saying “a monkey, wiff whips” (which admittedly would be pretty funny, too)