Dumbest thing I've heard today (so far): Muslims ruining America!, says VA Rep.

from MSNBC

In a less-noted move, Virgil Goode also recommended amending the poem at the base of the Statue of Liberty to:

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
unless you’re a dirty raghead.

This ones not from Texas. Please take note. Virginia. Not Texas.

OMG! I thought (for some reason) he was a rep in the state house. He is a freakin’ Congressman!

A simple solution. Eliminate references to religious artifacts when conducting the business of the state.

What references? In what?

The Bible every time any yammerhead is sworn in, I’d imagine.

I was hoping the “VA” in the title of this thread stood for Veteran’s Administration", but that was a hopeless wish.

I wish this chowderhead would remember that Richard Nixon, many disgraced Congresscritters and other elected officials who have served time for shenanigans while in office swore their oaths on Bibles. A fat lot of good that did. It’s the person swearing (or affirming) the oath of office, not the particular item that it is done on.

  • “I fear that in the next century we will have many more Muslims in the United States if we do not adopt the strict immigration policies that I believe are necessary to preserve the values and beliefs traditional to the United States of America.” *

I think he meant to say “that I believe are necessary to preserve my christian values and beliefs that I say are good for the United States of America.”

His values are so weak they cannot defend themselves. They need a wall. Protection.

Remember when Republicans were self-confident?

(In other news, the clown’s official web page deletes e-mails that do not include a postal address in his district.)

I thought about pitting this, but I’d already started a pit thread on Sen. Brownstain’s douchebaggery, and I was overcome by an overwhelming sense that we are represented totally by douchebags and goat fuckers, and this resulted in an overpowering desire to curl up and die rather than start pit threads.

I don’t know who Virgil Goode is and nor do I care. But whoever he is, he’s a bigoted, racist smear of shit. Seriously, enough with the anti-muslim and anti-arab hatred.

That’s not uncommon. Representatives don’t want to be swamped with opinions of people outside their district who can’t vote for them and they don’t have to keep happy.

That would be it.

Hey, at least it gave me a topic for my Government classes to rant about. They agree…he’s a fuckwit.

No, he’s an unprincipled cynic…the people who believe this stuff and then vote for him are the fuckwits.

What, you thought that after fucking up the war and getting their asses kicked in the midterms that Republicans and conservatives would get all contemplative and apologetic? Not on your life!

The liberal media is to blame: because it was so negative, it FORCED Bush and conservatives to be reactively super-positive, tricking them into missing the real problems in Iraq (yes, Stanley Kurtz actually said this at National Review’s blog)

And Muslims? You’d better bet those filthy buggers are even more to blame now.

You think Goode’s statement was scummy, then how about this:


Should Barack Hussein Obama be president “when we are fighting the war of our lives against Islam”? He might be Catholic (he SAYS) but he had a Muslim-leaning father and grew up near Muslims. And his middle name is HUSSIEN. hussien. hussien. and we’ll mention it at every chance we get!

If you wanna see the whole text of this letter, click here. This guy is such a damned idiot, but I guarantee you he is saying what his constituents want to hear.

It’s interesting times we live in. Most of my life, I thought the naked bigotry demonstrated by several of our current elected officials would be relegated to a few KKK crackpots and history books. Well, there goes a little more of my hope for the future.

Has anybody considered the possibility Congressman Goode is confused about the difference between Muslims and Mexicans?

[Marylander]What is it with Virginia congresscritters spouting nonsense about immigration? First George “Macaca” Allen, now this…[/Marylander]

By the way, Keith Ellison isn’t an immigrant- he was born in Detroit and converted to Islam as an adult. How exactly is restricting immigration going to keep someone like him from being elected to Congress? :dubious: