My true calling is to save the lives of marine mammals who have been injured by boats and crappy fishing practices. I know this.
But in the meantime, I am working as a fucking web developer building sites for people with the vaguest possible grasp of how the internet works in general, and how web sites work in particular. Jesus Christ, these people are morons. How in the world they ever got to the point where they could type, let alone be put in charge of directing the content and appearance of a web site, is a mystery to me. CODING AIN’T MAGIC, YOU GODDAMNED FUCKING IMBECILES! If you want your list of 900 books to link to each appropriate book in, I’ll need the click-thru information! Creating a function that automatically adds up the dollar amounts entered into several fields is NOT a 5 minute task! And yeah, you have to pay for that!! And textured backgrounds look like shit! Always have, always will. Please don’t make me put clouds and shit behind your randomly bolded and multi-colored text. It’s an eyesore, and it’s embarrassing to be associated with it in any way.
This job gets more jaw-droppingly hideous with every passing day. I swear to God if anyone in my vicinity uses the words “think outside of the box”, “e-tail”, or “e-frastructure” (what they hell does that even mean, anyway?) one more time, it will be the motherfucking zero hour. e-tme!
There. My first Pit thread. Please find me another job, before I break down into dry, humiliated sobs.