Ok, as dumb as the series got, I kept watching it up until they completely ruined it with the Atavus story line in season 5. But I’m curious, did anyone watch the final episode? If so, can someone give me a synopsis to satisfy my morbid curiousity? I saw enough random season 5 episodes to know the general idea so I don’t need too much backstory (unless there were some significant changes in the last few episodes), just a brief rundown of what happened. Thanks.
Major spoilers
Renee, Liam, and Howland’s kid run into the Atavus spaceship with some humans. Howland and other bad guys chase them in. The humans and Atavus fight, some of the nameless humans and Atavus are killed. The Atavus spaceship is filled with sleeping Atavus. Howland revives some of his friends. Howland orders them to engage the engines and fly into orbit, over the protests to test the system first. The engines blow out and the other Atavus turn on Howland and kill him.
Renee and Liam take the Interdimensional drives from the Atavus ship to use on the Taelon mothership. Renee wants to leave the Atavus to die, but Howland’s kid convinces her to save them. Renee gets the Taelon to beam the sleeping Atavus onto the Taelon mothership.
Sandoval chases Renee Palmer to the underground hideout and has her dead to sights but doesn’t pull the trigger. He makes the classic egotistical villain mistake and wants to “savor” his victory. Sandoval starts talking and Renee gets the jump on him. Sandoval is knocked over a balcony onto a table. The table conveniently had several sharp metal spikes, which go through Sandoval’s chest. Sandoval dies.
Renee, Liam, and a Taelon are on the Taelon mothership. Renee wants to go home and get away from aliens. She tells Liam to come with him. Liam says he is going with the Taelon and wants Renee to join them. Liam tells Renee that the universe is mostly better and she only met the bad apples, it is Renee’s destiny, etc. Renee chooses to continue the adventure and they open an ID portal and jet outta there.
This was from memory, so I may have gotten the order wrong…
I missed a lot of this show’s last year or so. When did Liam come back and how?