Easter is such a lame fucking holiday.

Easter never falls on a set day, like Xmas. It’s something like the 3rd Sunday after the last frost if it was on a full moon after you take a left on Main, that sort of shit. Isn’t it supposed to be a celebration of Spring? Then celebrate it on the first day of Spring! That always falls on a set day.

Plus, stores and businesses etc are rarely consistent on which days they take off, if any. Sometimes it’s Friday. Sometimes it’s Sunday. Sometimes it’s Monday. Everybody take the same fucking day off so the rest of the world can plan around it! Jesus!

Speaking of Him, what does Christ coming back from the dead have to do with bunnies and colored eggs? And which part are we celebrating, when he first work up, or when he jumped off planet Earth? See ya, bye, have fun in Heaven, don’t come back because it means Apocalypse…

So this was really just another way to assimilate pagans by letting them observe their fertility under the guise of Christian celebration. I can kind of see bunnies, with everybody fucking like rabbits, as the old saying goes, and the attempt to disguise it as something children can get into without having to understand all the sex that it really means, but everything else? Dressing up your kids like dolls and parading them like monkies while they look for plastic eggs and go into histrionics because somebody else found more? Turn them into suit-wearing soulless capitalists at an early age and teach them that the more ruthless and agressive you are, the better treats you get? Wow, that sure promotes world peace.

And the traditional Easter meal…just like Thanksgiving dinner, only you have ham instead of turkey. Way to alienate the Jews and Arabs you’re supposedly seeking peace with, motherfuckers.

It amazes me that whiners like the OP can always find something to complain about, even holidays. Easter is a celebration of the Resureection of Jesus, but if you’re an atheist like, me, you can always celebrate the arrival of spring and chocolate eggs.

A. Arabs and Muslims are not synonymous, since Arabs from MENA nations only constitute about 12 % of the world’s Muslims. Moreoever, Christian Arabs are not bound by halal dietary laws, so they might enjoy tucking into a tasty baked ham.

B. There weren’t any Jews or Muslims at my in-law’s Easter dinner, but if there had been, they would have served something acceptable. My enjoying pork products cannot be construed as an insult to anyone’s religion, anymore than Jews eating gefilte fish is an insult to me (I’ve tried gefilte fish, and I find the taste disgusting.
In any event, shut your hole until you find some legitimate annoyance to whinge on about.


Awww, did the Easter Bunny skip somebody’s house this year?

Are you kidding? Easter is a great holiday. What other holiday can I eat a ton of hard boiled eggs and not be considered a glutton? And the Cadbury Caramel Creme Eggs alone makes it worth it. I say we need an Easter holiday every month.

The only thing i don’t like about Easter is that The Ten Commandments gets trotted out on TV every damn year.

Gotta love the Cadbury Creme Eggs, although in civilized countries (i.e. where Cadbury chocolate is widely available, like England and Australia) these eggs can be purchased year-round.

With the internet, I’m sure they can be purchased anywhere year-round. Just not sure what shape they’ll be in when you get them!

Only one channel on your TV?

I lay in bed till 10:30 or 11:00 Sunday morning. I thought, “I don’t care if Jesus rose on Easter—doesn’t mean I have to.”


Not quite, although i don’t have cable, so only have six to choose from. And that’s if you count UPN and the WB as viable channels.

Also, one of the reasons i hate having The Ten Commandments served up each year is that some strange fascination compels me to watch at least part of it each time it’s on. The acting is truly awful, the costumes and sets are a multicoloured disaster, yet i still can’t help switching it on.

How can anyone not absolutely adore The Ten Commandments? It’s C.B. DEMille’s biggest epic ever, and it has enough Big Acting and hokey dialogue to bring out the Tom Servo and Crow T. Robot in all of us.

For the gay viewer, TTC is a special treat.

A. It has beefcake galore. Every male extra in that movie is muscled and hairy-chested, not to mention the yumminess of 32-year-old Charlton Heston and the hunky John Derek before he got all old and weird and became Bo’s Svengali.

B. The garish, over-the-top costumes and makeup inspired generations of drag queens to achieve new levels of tackiness.

C. The campy quality of the dialogue makes wonderful piano bar chatter when you run out of “All About Eve” quotes.

“Oh Moses, Moses, you stubborn, splendid, adorable fool!”

“Tears? When you have been bathed in scented water, when your limbs have been caressed by sweet oils and your hair combed with sandalwood, there will be no time for tears.”

What’s lame is that here, every. Single. Fucking. Thing shuts down from the Wednesday before Easter until the Tuesday following. No newspaper on Thursday, no newspaper on Friday. There are newspapers on Saturday, but a) many are “canned”, printed several days ahead of time and containing no actual news, and b) they aren’t delivered, you have to go to the shop and pick them up. Now, the shops actually open for a few hours on Saturday, and you have to go anyway because the bread is no longer fresh, in fact it must be cut with a chain saw, and the kids have drunk all the milk you thought would last the holiday, and the things in the produce drawer are beginning to smell suspicious. So you go to get your bread and milk and newspaper. But everyone else in the country is in the same fix! Hooray! Celebrate the joyous togetherness of standing in line at the supermarket with all your countrymen!

Good thing this holiday has chocolate involved, because otherwise it would just suck.

I totally agree with you, gobear, and it’s campiness might be one of the reasons that i find it so compelling, despite the fact that i also think it’s a pretty awful movie.

The Kalhoun family celebrates it on Saturday, being the heathens we are. We eat and watch movies and laugh and have a good time. Then when the christians head out on Sunday, I hold down the couch. It’s a great system.

I don’t like Easter, because every year I inevitably go out to some shop or restaurant only to find it closed.

Yep, those are the best part. I got eight. One of them contained George Harrison. No, Easter doesn’t suck.

George Harrison is returned to us! He cometh in the form of a Kinder Surprise!


As a definite non-believer in the divinity of Christ, Easter is the one holiday in the year that I really do feel silly celebrating. Christmas, I can celebrate the birth of one of the most important men in the history of the planet. Passover I can celebrate the perseverence and faith of the Jews. Easter is just about Jesus rising from the dead, and I can’t buy it.

I like jelly beans a lot though.

And he moveth his hips…

Praise the George!

I am Wiccan, my husband is Baptist.
I celebrated Ostara on the 21st the first day of spring, and we as a family celebrated Easter with the family.
I do not celebrate my holiday under the guise of christian celebration, they are very different for myself and my family.
That comment was gererally sweeping and rude.
I’m so sorry that the Easter Bunnie pissed in your Wheaties on his way through town.

gobear, I will never look at the movie the same.
I am one of those people that watch it every year for some strange reason. My oldest daughter who is going through a time of not thinking there is anything out there actually sat and watched it with me!