Anyone else find this bizarre? (Easter related)

My niece was showing me her basket and the candy she got for Easter and she had one of those chocolate crosses. Do these things strike anyone else as totally bizarre. I am an atheist but it seems totally sacreligious and weird to me for someone to eat a chocolate symbol of their religion. I would think Christians would view it as trivializing their religion. The only thing that would make it weirder and more humorous is if the chocolate crosses had a tiny Jesus on them.

Bizarre, yes, especially since the cross was an instrument of execution by torture.

How about a chocolate guillotine?

I am a Christian, and I find it completely strange. I was really taken aback the first time I saw one. I would never stick one of those into my kids’ Easter baskets. So I cannot explain why anyone would want one.

Odd, especially since an artist, Cosimo Cavallaro, recently got the 3d degree and his exhibition canceled because he made a big one. (sigh, picture in the link may offend those with exceedingly something something sensibilities-- won’t be showing that one in class, either).

I’m not a Christian and I was offended the first time I saw one of those. It just seems really inappropriate to me. I don’t think there are many people in the world who don’t know what the cross stands for in the Christian faith - and you want me to eat it? I don’t think so.

And just think of all those irreligious, insensitive bastards eating hot cross buns this weekend. The mind positively reels.

Eating! A religious symbol! :eek:

Yes. Very.

Not as bizarre as chocolate praying hands. Yep. Praying hands.

I’m a liberal Christian and I don’t like it at all. I’m thinking that the chocolate crosses were actually done as a result of conservative Christians who didn’t like the Easter Bunny and chocolate bunnies.

Not to mention that whole transubstatiation / communion thing.

That’s what I’m thinking too.

Though, I could see someone into campy humor creating these as a joke.

“Besides, it’s a lot easier to accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior when he [looks like Willem Dafoe] [is made of chocolate]. . .”
Apologies to Bongwater.

Here’s another shot of Chocolate Jesus.

Oh come on surely the artist knows that Jesus was not black.

I never thought about it too much in the past (I was mostly thinking “hey, chocolate!”), but after someone pointed it out to me, I agreed it’s rather bizarre. I am religious, but I’m not offended. Actually, I’m still mostly thinking “hey, chocolate!”

Another odd one I remember from childhood was a chocolate slab shaped like an open Bible, with the Lord’s Prayer written on it. At the time, I was really impressed by this, you could read it, and you could eat it.

I have this vague impression, also from childhood, that chocolate bunnies were good Easter gifts for kids, and that the chocolate crosses were considered a more dignified Easter item for, say, your grandmother.

Atheist here, and a chocolate Jesus would totally convert me. “This is my body…” mmm, I am right there. I guess the blood would have to be…caramel. If it’s nougat, well, the deal’s off.

Seriously, you who are offended did you never hear of hot cross buns? People ate those. Chocolate is no worse. In fact, it’s better, way better.

Vegetarians eat chocolate rabbits all the time. Ears first.

It’s just chocolate. Eat it when you can.

ETA: Okay, I just saw Larry Mudd’s post re hot cross buns. Cold crossed posts. Whatever.

Poll: Which part of ChocoJesus would you eat first?

Just for you. :smiley:

And to offend the rest of you

“Rub The Chocolate Buddha”-perfect band name!