How to spell ‘latitorial’ (sp?)
As in, Americans practice latitorial cruelty. I googled several on-line dictionaries but couldn’t find it.
Thanks in advance.
How to spell ‘latitorial’ (sp?)
As in, Americans practice latitorial cruelty. I googled several on-line dictionaries but couldn’t find it.
Thanks in advance.
Not a word I’ve ever come across. What does it mean?
Don’t know. I heard Oliver Stone utter the above statement.
Only thing I can think of is “gladiatorial”, which sounds moderately similar. When and where did you hear him say it?
It’s on the director’s commentary of the movie, ‘Wall Street’.
I could be hearing it wrong but I have listened to it several times and it seems a clear pronounciation.
Do you have another example of its use?
Need more information.
Is it possible he just made up a word that implied something about latitude?
Following corrections from…
natatorial - having to do with swimming
littorial - Of or on a shore, especially a seashore
gladitorial - having to do with a gladiator
The rest didn’t seem so close. Any of those sound familiar?
No but thanks. I checked all the suggestions, too. As I said it sounds like ‘latitorial’.
Though he said it with confidence, maybe he made it up. I assumed he was going for the latitude angle.
Slow on the response. :smack:
Latitorial and gladiatorial can sound very much alike if not enunciated clealy. The context should be helpful, if still available.
My choice woud be “gladiatorial cruelty.”
What is the complete sentence and context?
I’m not near my DVD player, but I believe it was made in regards to some Geko-style economics. I think the line was,
“Americans tend to practice a form of latitorial cruely.”
Assuming he said “gladitorial cruelty”, I’d like to know the referent. I’m having trouble imagining in what context he believes that this behavior occurs. For that matter, I’d love to know his definition of gladitorial cruelty. Roman gladiators were slaves. As such, and being forced to fight to the death, there was - by my definition - cruelty practiced toward them, but not necessarily by them. However, it seems probable that - all other things being equal - a cruel individual probably had a greater chance of survival.
If he claims that the US government is forcing people to fight each other to the death, I’d like to know where it’s happening. Maybe it’s one of his bizarre ideas, applied to Iraq??
Hombre – What exactly did he say? Can you recall the entire sentence?
Oops, I see you gave the sentence in the OP. :smack:
Maybe he meant “latitudinal”.