This one time at BASIC I had KP duty. One of the kitchen people told me to go check on the orange juice dispenser. I don’t know a thing about orange juice dispensers, but I figured out how to open it. Inside I found a huge bag with just what little remained of the OJ. It doesn’t take a genius to realize that I needed to go in the huge walkin fridge and find one of these OJ bags to replace the empty one. I looked all over and finally found a bag sitting on a box in the back.
It was the same kind of bag and filled with orange colored juice. Eureka!
I forced the spout and bag to fit into the dispenser with much difficulty. It was not at all suprising that I couldn’t make it fit. Afterall, I knew nothing of oj dispensers. But anyway, with a little banging and shoving, I got the bag and spout to fit and it even dispensed properly. I was so proud of myself.
By now a little line had developed since I was taking so long and people were craving their oj. Breakfast is right after physical training, so everyone was hot, sweaty and thirsty as hell!
I joyfully poured a Frothy cup of orange juice to the first guy in line. He downed about half of his juice before growing a strange look on his face. “This juice tastes a little funny…” He gave a shrug and was just about to gulp down the rest when the second guy in line groaned!
“Ewwarggh, it’s f#cking egg!!”
Apparantly, eggs come in bags too…
Just retold this story a second ago. I thought I’d share it.
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